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Russia to Help Modernize Pakistan Steel Mills


A Russian delegation agreed to submit proposals for the modernization of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM).

The Russian delegation, led by Andrey Zubal, met on Sindh Chief Minister, Murad Ali Shah, in Karachi and discussed various projects.

The members showed interest in working with the Sindh government in several sectors, including hydro-treatment facilities, waste processing, and waste-to-energy. The joint workings will be doing most likely on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.

Regarding PSM, the Sindh CM said that the mill not only needs an overhaul; but also needs to be modernized to meet current steel production requirements. Resultantly, the visiting delegation decided to send a team to visit the mill to assess the requirements for its modernization.


The meeting decided to take up the modernization of the steel project on a priority basis as its feasibility and mode would be studied and shared with the provincial government. The meeting also decided to study the feasibility of establishing a 50MW power waste-to-energy plant in Dhabeji.

The chief minister told the delegation that there was a railway line from Karachi to Dhabeji; where a power plant can be install, adding another site for the project could be Jam Chakro. The Russian experts would visit the sites to finalize the project.

The delegation members included the Consul General of Russia in Karachi, Rus Welding, Dr. Aleksandr G. Khozin, Ahmed Rana of Concord Ventures (PVT) Ltd., Attaché Russian Consulate, Pavel Yamanov.
