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Terrorist attack on DI Khan police station results in 10 officers killed and 6 injured

Terrorist attack on DI Khan police station

Early on Monday, terrorists assaulted a police station in the Dera Ismail Khan district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, leaving at least ten police officers dead and six more injured.

According to authorities, at three in the morning, terrorists in the district’s Tehsil Daraban attacked the police station with heavy weaponry.

They further said that the injured have been moved to DHQ Hospital.

With grenades and heavy gunfire, the terrorists stormed the police station from all sides.

The law enforcement agency said that although the police responded in kind, the terrorists managed to flee during the night.

The police claim that the quick reaction team has arrived with extra force, and that the troops have sealed off the area and begun a search operation to find the militants who are escaping.

They also said that prayers for the deceased police officers will be said in the police line.

In two separate terror incidents in Kohat, Miranshah, and Lakki Marwat last month, three police officers and two soldiers lost their lives. On Wednesday, an unidentified assailant killed an independent candidate for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly along with two of his colleagues during the Waziristan election campaign.

Since the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan in 2021, there has been a sharp increase in attacks on Pakistani provinces bordering that country.

Islamabad asserts that Kabul provides sanctuary to extremist groups with ties to the TTP, enabling them to launch attacks on its territory without repercussions.

The areas most impacted by terrorism include Peshawar, Khyber, Bajaur, and Tank; places touched by terror include Dera Ismail Khan, North Waziristan, and South Waziristan, according to figures released by the Department of Interior and Tribal Affairs KP.

A total of 1,050 terrorist incidents occurred in KP last year, according to the Home and Tribal areas’ data. Of those, 419 occurred in the organized districts and 631 in the combined districts.
