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Adnan Siddiqui, compare the women to flies

Adnan claims that his comparison of women to flies "misconstrued"

Adnan Siddiqui is currently the subject of criticism following his strange remark on Shan e Suhoor, the well-liked morning show hosted by Nida Yasir. The host seemed obviously embarrassed after making the comment, which also attracted backlash from viewers and social media users.

Nida noticed a fly hovering around him and speculated that it could have been attracted to Adnan’s sweetness. Rejecting the concept, he said, “I’m going to make a statement. Ladies, don’t be ashamed of it.” Perhaps feeling threatened, Nida spoke up and said, “God help us, it’s Ramazan.”

Adnan went on, unfazed. “A fly and a woman are kind of the same examples,” he stated. Nida gave this a stern shake of her head and said, “He’s going to make me go viral again.” “The more you chase after women, the more they flee from you,” Adnan said. And they’ll come sit on your hand like this fly did when you sat like this (folds hand over chest).” Nida shot back, trying to brush the comment aside, saying, “I don’t want to question him about how he’s sitting.”

Adnan went on, “I was attempting to grab the fly, but it was eluding me. It arrived and took a seat here as I stepped back.” It was clear at this moment that the host intended to shift the subject of the discussion. Nida feigned a giggle and said, “I don’t want such straightforward people on my show live.” “Let’s move on to the next thing.”

Adnan, who is renowned for his sense of humor and tendency to cause a stir with his antics, made the remark in fun, but it is impossible to hold it against ladies if they feel offended by it. When compared to different inanimate objects, women are frequently deprived of their agency. Women’s bodies, for instance, are frequently policed by equating them with lockable boxes or lollipops, suggesting that women need to keep themselves “locked up” and “safe.” This frequently results in a society that demonizes women who exercise their free will or victimizes them when they are assaulted.

Adnan did not say this in the same way, but it is certainly insulting to compare women to flies. Moreover, the analogy he made was motivated by an antiquated and cliched mindset that is completely unworthy of any well-respected person, much less a beloved celebrity. Adnan not only belittled the great majority of his devoted followers, but he also made the ridiculous notion that women should not be pursued but rather left alone, putting the burden of the pursuit on them and promoting pointless mental games. It’s even more ridiculous because the remark was made without being asked. It is rather puzzling why the actor felt the need to make such a needless and meaningless statement.

Additionally, Adnan statement coincides with a growing trend in Pakistani culture of talking about gender equality and respecting women’s rights. His remarks not only undercut these crucial discussions, but they also demonstrate how commonplace casual misogyny is in some spheres of the population.

It’s unclear if Adnan will respond to the criticism and retract his comments as the scandal develops. The episode, in the meanwhile, serves as a reminder of how critical it is to advance gender awareness and civil discourse in all domains of public debate.
