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I was and still am very shy: Saeed Humayun

I was and still am very shy: Saeed Humayun

Humayun Saeed has been in demand once more since he accepted his three-year break from television and returned with Gentleman. In a brief conversation conducted on their YouTube channel, Nashpati Prime and the Mere Paas Tum Ho actor discussed his stable marriage to Samina, the trajectory of his acting career, and if he would ever be lured by the glamour and wealth of Bollywood.

I used to be really bashful, Humayun said in his quiet baritone, a confession that would make followers of his on-screen journey from Ab Tum Le Saktay Ho to The Crown scratch their heads. You know, I still am. I’ve improved, but I’m still bashful. Humayun reminisced about his early years and the first girl who had broken his heart, saying, “She helped me come out of my shell.” I gave her driving instruction. In the past, the energy was entirely different.

On love, marriage, and social media

Humayun insisted that there is only one woman in his life at this time, Samina, and he are as committed to her as ever. The actor, who has been faithful to his wife for almost thirty years, said, “It’s not practical to go on adventures anymore because I’m too afraid of her.”

Aside from his lack of adventure, Humayun took inspiration from his own marriage’s success to suggest that providing affirmation and praise was the foundation of any successful partnership. He said, “My worst fear is upsetting or losing the people I love.” And I believe that you have to be grateful for your partner if you want your love to last. Allow them some time. Take care of them. Love them despite all of their flaws and forgive their sins.

Even though Humayun and his wife have a strong marriage, he has always been open to accusations of infidelity. “All these unfounded gossips that you hear about me being married to various actors, like Meera or Mishi Khan, are completely untrue,” he said. “Samina is the only woman I am married to!”

The celebrity continued by saying that although he and Samina would have wanted to become parents, this milestone has eluded them both. “I love all children, but ours hasn’t been the case. It’s what Allah wills,” he declared.

Speaking about his life with Samina with a casual air, Humayun gave off the impression of a man who was at ease in his marriage and treated it as second nature. “She never enjoyed having her picture taken, but occasionally she posts a selfie,” he thought as he considered the benefits and drawbacks of social media. “While I do believe social media has taken over our life, I also believe that occasionally having that affirmation from others when someone likes your photo may be a nice thing. People are happy because of it.

Social media can lift people’s spirits, but Humayun warned that even the most innocent parties might become entangled in the complex web of rumors, which almost always start there. “I didn’t mind being the focus of a rumor or controversy when I was younger,” he said. “I used to say it makes no difference. However, it’s clear to me now that the falsehoods propagated on social media significantly affect your family. On social media, people read whatever they want to believe, but my family doesn’t need to fall for their lies!

Although Humayun is extremely aware of his family’s welfare, he was compelled to set it aside when he decided he wanted to pursue acting. Humayun, driven by his desire to succeed in show business, accepted a role in his first play, which he kept a secret from his family. Humayun, who had no idea what would come of it, was astounded by the acclaim that followed.

He added, “Although I was working in a garment factory at the time, I couldn’t believe it when people started responding to my play.” “As an actor, I couldn’t believe anyone would ever respond to me.”

Humayun realized at that moment, coasting on a high, that this was what he wanted to do for a living. Even while at first he was more interested in films, he quickly realized that television dramas were a considerably larger market in Pakistan. “That was the situation then, and it is the situation now,” Humayun remarked. “I always wanted to be a producer, and as soon as I started doing acting, I was able to pursue production opportunities as well.”

Humayun singled out performers Nadia Jamil and Sania Saeed, saying that he couldn’t have progressed as far in his career without their vital assistance in the early stages. “These women were my early collaborators,” he remarked. I am here today because of them, Mehreen Jabbar, and Samina, of course.

The next generation of performers looks up to Humayun on set these days, yet he handles their moments with caution and never comes across as intimidating. He remarked, “I get along well with all of my younger co-stars.” “I’ve worked with a lot of up-and-coming talent, and it’s crucial to give them comfort, be a friend, and watch out for them.”

Although it’s common to blame younger actors of growing conceited quickly, Humayun sees their experience in show business more compassionately. He clarified, “We don’t have a system where you can audition or train actors.” As a result, actors who catch a producer’s eye and have their potential spotted get a lot of calls. There is more work to be done now than there was formerly. It makes them [actors] think they’re famous people. It’s alright.

Even though Humayun is a true celebrity on Pakistani television, he said he has never been seduced by Bollywood’s promises. Sincerely speaking, I’ve never received a sizable offer from them, but I’ve also never shown interest. My goal is to continue working in Pakistan.

It’s obvious that Humayun is here to stay because of his strong presence on set, which encourages up-and-coming talent to come out of their shells.
