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Few Ways to whiten your teeth naturally from home

Few Ways to whiten your teeth naturally from home

There are many professional methods to clean your teeth, but most are expensive, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to have a gleaming white smile. There are few natural remedies to get clean teeth and help to remove plaque and stains. Whie teeth and good oral hygiene go conjointly.

Safe and Effective Way

Another study found by the Journal of the American Dental Association(JADA), that mixing toothpaste with soda as a primary ingredient helps you to get white teeth. It’s proven scientifically is one of the safe and effective ways of whitening teeth.

Coconut oil pulling

Coconut oil pulling is another old remedy by India, where you put oil in your mouth and swish it around for about 20 minutes. Coconut oil pulling is another natural way of whitening teeth.

Why coconut oil?

Coconut oil has a fatty acid profile. Fatty acids contain lauric acid and antimicrobial properties. You can use pretty much any oil, but people usually use coconut oil because it’s a tastier one. Through swishing in your mouth it dissolves plaque and the biofilm of bacteria stuck to your teeth, after swishing when you spit it out, it wshes your teeth. You also can brush your teeth afterwards.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to be the best remedy to whiten teeth too. A small amount of apple cider vinegar is used as a mouthwash, making a solution of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and six ounces of water.

It works by bleaching

It’s funny that it was proven after washing cow’s teeth with bleach. Take bleach and  Swish around your mouth for about 30 seconds, and you will see the results.

You have to be careful because it’s acidic so start with caution. Don’t keep it in your mouth for too long it can also cause aggravation of the gums.

Oranges, lemons, and banana peels

Oranges, lemons and banana peels naturally help to whiten your teeth, they contain d-limonene and citric acid compounds. After eating these fruits, you can rub them on your teeth.

You only need to rub these on your teeth for just like two minutes like other acids and then rinse your mouth out. Using it any longer can aggravate the gums and wear down the enamel.

It’s the best remedy used to remove stains resulting from tea drinking and smoking. The study proved that using different kinds of peels from the orange family helps to whiten teeth.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is useful to remove pigments and stains from your teeth because it’s absorbent. It helps to remove toxins and bacteria from the mouth. There are different kinds of products that have charcoal in them, like toothpaste and capsules.

Use your brush on your teeth more generally and slower because it can be abrasive to the gums. Charcoal toothpaste will show results within four weeks, charcoal toothpaste has proven scientifically very effective in whitening teeth. Also, there have been very few studies that charcoal paste has long-term effects, so be careful and gentle with your gums.

Foods with a high water content

Eating raw fruits and foods with h high water content may be the easiest way to have white and healthy teeth. The water helps to wash the unwanted material out of your mouth.

Vitamin C

The study done by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that eating foods that contain vitamin C reduces the amount of plaque on teeth that causes them to go yellow.
