On Monday 31st May 2021, Asad Umar said that after the NCOC meeting, it has been decided to start covid vaccination of people aged 18 plus from 3rd June 2021. Asad Umar said that Federal Government is vaccinating people 18 plus, free of cost.
On 29th May, around 0.3 million people were vaccinated, while 10.1 Million people have registered so far for vaccination.
On Monday 2117 new covid cases were registered against 52,223 tests and 43 deaths were reported.
In today's NCOC meeting it was decided to start scheduling vaccination of registered 18 plus from thursday the 3rd of june. With this step the vaccination of all eligible age groups would be carried out. Please register as soon as possible
— Asad Umar (@Asad_Umar) May 31, 2021
الحمدللہ کل ایک دن میں ویکسینیشن کا نیا ریکارڈ قائم کیا گیا. کل 3 لاکھ 83 ہزار سے زائد ویکسینیشن کی گئ. اب تک 70 لاکھ سے ویکسین لگائ جا چکی ہے. رجسٹر کرنے والوں کی تعداد میں بھی مسلسل اضافہ ہو رہا ہے اور ا کروڑ 16 لاکھ 63 ہزار افراد رجسٹر ہو چکے ہیں
— Asad Umar (@Asad_Umar) May 30, 2021

Law Student, School of Law, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad