Shehbaz thanks Biden for the US aid provided after the floods.

Vice President Biden is “committed” to keep assisting flood-torn Pakistan.

At President Obama’s welcome for international leaders attending the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif made the acquaintance of Vice President Joe Biden (UNGA). Salman Sufi, an assistant to PM Shehbaz, reported that, during the meeting, the prime minister expressed gratitude to the United States for its assistance during the floods, its ongoing provision of Covid vaccines, and the two countries’ mutual commitment to working together.

While meeting with the head of USAID on his visit to Pakistan, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sheikh Abdullah also used the opportunity to thank the American people and government for the aid they have provided to Pakistan. Vice President Biden has conveyed his condolences to the families of those who perished in the accident.

He reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to its ongoing humanitarian aid to Pakistan. Thursday at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Hina Khar answered questions from media by calling their meeting “productive and forward-looking.” The state minister continued, saying that the relationship between Pakistan and the United States was “firm foundation and we don’t want to rush it.”

The minister noted that the world’s leaders had shown much compassion for flood-ravaged Pakistan, but that this support must be translated into action if the country is to recover from the calamity and rebuild stronger than before. The full magnitude of the damage caused by the climate-induced floods has been communicated to the world community, she continued.

The prime minister emphasised the importance of the international community listening to the cries for rescue from stranded women and children. He also tweeted that he had met with senior officials from the IMF and the World Bank on the second day of the UN General Assembly to discuss incorporating post-flood rehabilitation funding into the country’s existing programmes. We talked about floods, climate change, and helping flood victims get back on their feet in my other talks with foreign leaders,” he said. Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres has committed to do everything in his power to help those in Pakistan who have been impacted by the recent floods.