Pakistan introduces 3D Zebra Crossing for the first time

Metropolitan Corporation Lahore has introduced a 3D zebra crossing on Mall Road for the first time. Commissioner Zulfiqar Ahmed Ghuman stated in an official statement that the 3D zebra crossing will be introduced on 20 different roads throughout the city.

Purpose of 3D Zebra Crossings:

“The main purpose of this project is to beautify the roads and increase the traffic awareness among masses,” Ghuman said.
Such projects will also increase pedestrians’ safety on traffic signals because many drivers do not respect the signals, which may lead to road accidents, said the commissioner. He also stated that the authorities have developed these crossings as per international standards. He further said that this project would prompt both pedestrians and motorists to use Zebra crossings properly.

3D Zebra Crossing and Traffic Rules:

The 3D Zebra Crossings have been used worldwide in different countries, including Thailand, China, the USA, and UK. These crossings have proved to be very effective as they create an automatic caution among the drivers. These 3D crossings will surely leave an impact because they increase safety. The Zebra Crossings are an integral part of traffic and its rules. However, in Pakistan these crossings have slowly vanished from most of the roads. Not only the small cities but also the roads in major cities are without them. This one example is enough to show the plight of traffic rules in Pakistan.