5 Tips to be LADY BOSS

Let us be clear: A lady boss is and can be a lot of things. We are not only talking about women who are bosses at their work or career. It has a lot to do with controlling your life in general. We are going to focus more on the work aspect.

As March is going, as women are thrilled with the spirit of empowerment Rangeinn wants you to make more impactful with the tips we share to appreciate womanhood in society especially working women.


Let me just put this right here: women and their emotions. Their sensitivity, but mostly the fact that they want to be liked by everyone is deep.

However, listening to your gut feeling and actually acting to it is a totally different thing. When it comes to doing business, we see how many people (women in particular) struggle with simply saying no.

We are pleasers. We want people to like us, we want people to say good things about us, and we want to be able to do ALL of it instead of saying no to something.

But guess what: this isn’t helpful at all. Sometimes saying no to someone or something is the best thing you can do for yourself.

If it doesn’t feel right, don’t continue doing it. Even if that means you have to disappoint a lot of people. Your business is not to be mess around with.


So don’t worry and focus on your own business.
What is right for you? What does it bring YOU?
We want to be likable people because that’s how we want others to see us.

More importantly: that’s how we were raised. We come from a super loving and warm family. We all help each other out when needed. We are aware of what people can do for you and what you can do for them.

This is why you want to be helpful, kind, and thoughtful.

But when you start a business or are in the work field you have to think about how you want others to view you. So when you hear people saying things about you that don’t fit your personality or how you view yourself, you find yourself surprised, but also a little disappointed stay positive act like a boss.

“That’s what they think of me? How? What did I do?” It makes you wonder if others see you the same way you see yourself but most importantly, how you WANT them to view you.
Even though other people’s opinions don’t really matter, it’s a natural thing that we still feel a certain way about it.
With this in mind, it will also make it much easier for you to say no every once in a while (for your own benefit).

That obviously doesn’t mean you have to be rude.

You can gracefully, respectfully, and kindly say No. But to be able to make someone or yourself happy; you sometimes need to disappoint others.

That’s just the way it is. There are no flowers without rain and there are no good times without bad times. Learn when to say no, listen to your gut feeling, and know when you need someone’s help.


You can’t do it all alone.
Being a lady boss When you start a new project or working on a venture you may not do it alone, After doing so and talking with some of the people around you who you trust; you will realize this was such a big mistake you are making for juggling with struggle alone.
Know that how important it is to ask for help or advice when needed. Before putting you’re all your efforts to achieve that task individually.


Basically in life, in general, communication is everything. Whether it’s in a relationship, friendship, or with colleges. Knowing and expressing what you want, explaining your vision, is what’s going to bring your business or work to the next level.
Communication is also in the little, more daily things.

It basically has a bit to do with being organized as a lady boss, we always have to plan so much, schedule things, have deadlines, and keep a logbook.

But it’s actually VERY handy to be organized and to work like that from an early age. It makes communication much easier because you have an overview.

It’s especially very handy when your team expands. If you don’t communicate well, you will lose credibility, trust, and — TIME! And you know, time is money.


The last tip we are going to share with you as a lady boss is: know what you want. You are the core of your business. If you don’t know what it’s about, no one else will.

If you don’t know where it’s heading to, no one else will.

If you don’t know why you do what you do, no one else will. And so on and so forth.

So once you know what you want (which is also something that changes over time) — make sure you express that. Sit with your team/partner/college and tell them.

But! This also counts for all the collaborations, jobs, projects you want to start, and decisions you need to make.

Why are you doing it and what do you want from it? Does it serve you and your business? Does it make it better, do you grow from it, and does it financially help you? Does it fit your values? Always be clear about what you want.

And of course, this is not always easy. Sometimes we make mistakes or what we want changes. In that case, you can always fall back on the previous tips I mentioned: you’ll get through it!