6 injured in blast targeting convoy of Pakistan Army vehicles on Quetta’s Airport Road

At least six people injure, including one critically, in an explosion in front of Askari Park on Pakistan Army vehicles ; on Quetta’s Airport Road on Thursday; a spokesperson for the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) Balochistan said .

Balochistan Home Minister Mir Zia Langove said a convoy of six Pakistan Army vehicles was passing on the road when the bomb — fitted in a motorcycle — detonated.

“Four to five kilogrammes of explosive material use in the bomb. Five security officials injure in the blast and taken to Combine Military Hospital (CMH),” he says to reporters.

Last week, five FC soldiers were martyr after terrorists targeted a patrolling party in Sibi district’s Sangan area.

Earlier in June, four soldiers from FC Balochistan; including a junior commission officer; had been martyred in a blast on the Marget-Quetta Road.

According to the ISPR, terrorists use an improvise explosive device to target the FC troops who were employed on the road for security of Marget mines.

In February, five FC members were martyr and two others injured in two attacks in different areas of Balochistan.