6 Workplace conflicts

Conflict is inevitable – it’s a fact of life.
Handling and resolving conflicts that arise in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges supervisors and staff members face.

No two people are the same, and when our different motivations, processes, and goals clash, conflicts arise. Conflict isn’t always something to fear, however, because out of conflict comes change. When resolved properly, conflicts can lead to better ideas, better understanding, and better working relationships.

Through considerate conflict resolution in the workplace, companies and their employees can improve themselves.


These disagreements arise in situations when individuals in an interdependent project network must coordinate their tasks so that everyone can successfully get their part done. For example, an accountant can’t do their job without all the numbers. If an employee is constantly late with their reports, it affects the accountant’s ability to finish up and make deadlines.

The solution? Delegate tasks effectively. Communicate with the team the importance of responsibility and accountability. Clarify what everyone should be doing in their role so they’re all on the same page when deadlines approach.


Everybody has a different leadership style, and everybody reacts differently to those leadership styles. Some leaders are bold and charismatic, others are more laid-back, warm, and inviting. Some are highly technical and strict on rules and deadlines, and others are so hands-off you hardly see them.

To solve potential conflicts, you should emphasize mutual respect for differences throughout the company. Also, leaders should be aware of their own leadership styles and how they interact with the work styles and personalities of people on their team. They should be able to adjust and connect with their employees no matter their leadership preferences.

Again, we’re all different – it’s not something we can escape.


Just as there are different leadership styles, there are different work styles. Some people prefer to work in groups while others do their best work alone. Some people need no extra direction to complete a task, while others like external input and direction every step of the way. Some people get more work done under pressure, and others like to knock their tasks out early.

The same idea of mutual respect and understanding applies here, as well as throughout all workplace conflicts and any interaction involving other people. We may prefer a particular work style, but sometimes in groups, teams must collaborate to come up with an idea greater than one mind could think up alone – meaning they have to learn to deal with each other’s differences.


Say it with me again: We are all different. We’re not always going to like everyone we meet, and it’s not easy to work with someone whose personality we find distasteful. It’s helpful to remember that who we perceive someone to be is not necessarily who they actually are. This circles back to the theme of empathy and understanding. Don’t let what you’ve seen define everything you’ll think about someone in the future.

It’s all about the story you tell. Imagine someone cuts you off on the highway. You’d probably be thinking about how they’re a rude, brainless jerk. Now imagine you’re late for work or you’re taking your sick child to the doctor, or that you have to go to the bathroom immediately and you end up cutting someone off while driving. You know the justification behind your actions, but the person you cut off is sitting there thinking you’re a rude, brainless jerk.


This is where workplace conflict gets more serious, and where human resources might have to get involved. If harassment or discrimination is going on due to age, race, ethnicity, gender, or what have you, there’s a serious need for the company to explicitly emphasize open-mindedness, acceptance, and understanding.

We can all learn to coexist.


Conflict when it comes to idea brainstorming is actually an excellent opportunity to make the idea even better. Employees need to recognize the ideas of others, voice their own, and then gather the best pieces together for a stunning solution.

If two individuals were disagreeing on a project idea, they could talk to each other and cooperatively decide on one idea or the other. They could also look for compromise so both ideas can shine through while producing an even better outcome spawning from the collaboration. If needed, they could approach another colleague or a higher-up to mediate the discussion or offer their opinion on the final decision.

We learn and grow through the competition when handled properly.