A policeman was killed and another injured in firing by suspects

A policeman was killed and another injured in firing by suspects

DIG East Ghulam Azfar Mahesar has said that the police and other agencies have launched an operation against the accused involved in the attack.

A policeman was killed and another injured in firing by suspects near the Super-Highway Ganna Mandi area on Monday.

The two constables were on duty at the Sachal Police Station for the security of the cattle market.

Police officers said that the raids were conducted in Sohrab Goth and other areas in the nightlong operation and suspects were arrested.

DIG Mahesar said that a terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack. The national security agencies also working on the case, he further said.

Security measures have been taken for the citizens visiting the cattle market, he informed. The police have installed over 50 pickets for security of the lives and property of the citizens DIG East said.

We have found some evidence and key progress is expected in the investigation soon he added.