Muneeb Butt adds, “I got married so that I wouldn’t be misled by fame”

Muneeb Butt adds, "I got married so that I wouldn't be misled by fame"

Renowned actor Muneeb Butt spoke candidly about why he chose to get married early in an interview that aired recently on a Ramazan program presented by Nida Yasir. He emphasized the value of marriage in providing stability in one’s life.

Butt, a well-known person in the entertainment business, clarified the social convention that families frequently put off marriage because of financial worries. He disputed this idea, arguing that marriage itself bestows rewards and chances for achievement.

During the interview, Butt said, “We see in our society very often that families proceed with engagement but wait for Nikkah because the boy isn’t financially established.” “I say that Nikkah is such a good deed and I have a firm belief that if you enter Nikkah today, God will open new paths of success for you.”

He went on to say that he was certain being married didn’t stop someone from moving forward but instead opened doors to success. “I strongly believe that it’s not possible that you’ll be led to your downfall after Nikkah or that you will keep struggling because you have not done anything wrong,” he said. “You have done a good deed so you will see the blessings in your life if you keep a positive approach.”

Butt went into detail about his own experience, explaining that he made the decision to get married early because he understood the difficulties that come with being well-known and successful in the entertainment business. “That’s because at that time, I was becoming more successful and I was able to realize that we are merely humans and Satan will tempt me towards the wrong path,” he said.

In light of the difficulties encountered by several celebrities who give in to the demands of the spotlight, Butt emphasized the need of creating a solid family life as a means of providing support and stability in the face of temptations. There’s a good probability you’ll make a mistake. He said, “There are many instances in our field of persons who were fortunate enough to experience great success and notoriety at a young age, but they were unable to cope with it.

Butt emphasizes the importance of putting family and personal values ahead of fleeting prosperity as he wraps off his speech. “So I concluded right then that it’s better that I settle down and start a family life so even if I am tempted to do wrong, my mind has better things to think,” he said.