Actress Hajra Khan labels Imran Khan a “liar, wicked person” in her film “Where the Opium Grows”

Actress Hajra Khan labels Imran Khan a "liar, wicked person"

According to The News on Saturday, Pakistani model and actress Hajra Khan Panezai described Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan as a “liar and a wicked person” during a discussion about her memoirs.

Launched on Friday in Islamabad, the book is titled ‘Where the Opium Grows: Surviving Pakistan as a Woman, an Actress and Knowing Imran Khan‘.

Speaking at the launch event, Panezai declared Khan a totally different guy in his personal life in addition to accusing him of using cocaine.

The actor claimed that she had realized as early as 2014 that the man the public saw as a hero, a messiah, or a pressure group was someone quite different in his personal life.

Panezai declared her support for every statement made public in her book, which focused mostly on her interactions with the PTI leader. She went on to say that she created her autobiography in order to make herself responsible for her flaws and ignorance.

In addition, the model said that there was “200%” truth to the claims that a 21-year-old girl got pregnant as a result of having intercourse with Imran Khan.
The actress stated during the ceremony that she knew the woman in issue, even if she was out of the country, but she didn’t have the right to expose her identity.

Speaking more about her personal life, Panezai revealed that her memoirs was based on her struggle with being sexually exploited when she was six years old.

The actress from Pakistan informed the crowd that it was because of her connection with Khan that her father had joined the PTI. She expressed her deep regret for the arguments she and her pals had about the PTI.

When her autobiography was finished in 2014, she said Khan was the first to get the draft, but she wasn’t given permission to publish the book.

She disclosed that she refused to get her book published in response to threats.

The actress stated that it had taken a lot of work for her book to become well-known because she had to leave Pakistan in order to have it published. She added that a publisher in London had turned down her book because they felt it had a number of charges that would be hard to verify. She asserted that the statements she had made in her book were supported by evidence.

Panezai claimed that she had not yet been able to retrieve her compromised emails and social media accounts upon her return to Pakistan.

After years of effort, she claimed that no one was responsible for the publication of her autobiography. She disclosed that her autobiography had not yet been released in print.

The actress said she understood that different people had different perspectives of her because of her line of work, but she continued to choose to be an actor and model throughout her life.

She had written about this guy’s qualifications and the dashing of her expectations about him, so she admitted that the topic of her memoirs might be the perfect person for anyone. She said that her books’ contents were drawn from her own observations.

In addition, Panezai expressed his opinion regarding Khan, stating that anyone who saw the former prime minister as a political force or a messiah was inexperienced or ignorant.

“We used to fight over someone we thought was the messiah, but now I have to ask my friends for forgiveness,” she continued, accusing Khan of selling out to his faith.

In order to avoid losing her personal life if she decided to run for any political post, Panezai made it clear to the audience during the ceremony that her fight was not intended to win any political office.

The actress went on to say that she received trolling on social media for criticizing Imra n Khan.

Panezai claimed that she was just a regular Quetta girl and did not see herself as a hero. She claimed that by publishing her autobiography, she hoped to inspire others to ask their daughters to uphold their moral principles at all costs.

She conceded that she had been mostly at fault in her friendship with Imran Khan. “I want that others shouldn’t repeat the mistakes I committed in my life.”