Speaking of childhood following Nisho’s divorce, Sahiba Afzal

Speaking of childhood following Nisho's divorce, Sahiba Afzal

Actress Sahiba Afzal, a Pakistani actress and the daughter of the late Nisho, shockingly revealed that she had never seen or seen her biological father. The open admission can be seen in a video that was previously unreleased and shows Sahiba visiting veteran actor Sajid Hasan’s talk program in the previous year.

“I’ve never met my [biological] father; my mother had separated from him before my birth,” she said, delving into her family history. The actor added, “No one’s asked me this before,” giving insight into a less well-known area of his personal life.

Sahiba talked affectionately about her stepfather Jamal Pasha, even if her biological father was not present. She emphasized their close relationship all the way to his final breath. Sahiba said, “My stepfather gave me so much love and affection. I never like to refer to him as a stepfather because he is above the biological one for me.”

He is no longer in this world; may Allah grant him the highest status in Jannah. The actor revealed, “He entered my life when I was just 10 years old. “It has been five years since his passing, and we were very close till the very end. I didn’t even share all of my secrets with my mother; he was more like a buddy to me. I never felt that lack of a father figure in my childhood because of him,” she went on.

Sahiba gave more information about Jamal, stating that he had previously worked for TV stations in addition to being a pilot.

The actor gained notoriety in 2022 when she discussed raising her two sons, Ahsan and Zain, with husband and fellow actor Afzal Khan, also referred to as Rambo John. During a guest appearance on a morning show, Sahiba talked about the challenges of being a woman and expressed her gratitude for not having any daughters.

During a fan-submitted question segment, Sahiba was asked if she wished she had a daughter. The actor said, “I always wanted sons,” in response. In this day and age, I am grateful that God did not give me a daughter because daughters are under too much pressure. They have never been able to get their own way in life. The pressure comes from the parents first, followed by the husband. She lacks an independent will. There is no independent existence for girls.