What are the pillars of health, and how we should adhere to them during a pandemic? With most of our usual routines going out the window this year, it has become more important than ever to stay healthy. Times like these require you to think a little outside the box.
Grocery store delivery slots have become as precious as gold dust in many places. Every journey to the market feels like a walk inside a petri dish. Since the virus outbreak, it has become somewhat difficult to access fresh fruit and vegetables. The ingredients that make up most of our healthy-eating diet plans.
According to nutritionists, 80 grams (2.8 ounces) of fresh, canned, or frozen fruit and vegetables count as one portion of your five-a-day. As do 30g (1.06oz) of dried fruit. If you like your fruit and vegetables in liquid form. Then 150ml (5.07 fluid ounces) of fruit juice or fruit smoothie or 80g of beans and pulses are one a day.
However, juice and smoothies can only count towards just one; irrespective of how many glasses of juice or cans of beans you have. For example, if you drink two glasses of fruit juice and a smoothie a day, it only counts for one portion, not three. This is because when the fruit is blended or juiced, it releases its sugars. Therefore it is not considered healthy to have more than one small glass a day.
Research suggests that eating mindfully may improve digestion, appetite regulation, and most importantly: enjoyment. It isn’t wrong to snack if you’re hungry, but try to use healthy ones.
Healthy snacks should include high-proteins, healthy fats, and fiber snacks like nuts, guacamole, edamame, and crudités. They help maintain a stable blood sugar level and tranquilize the mice running around in your stomach.