What Would You Advise to your Younger Self?

Don’t we all just want to go back in time and give a piece of advice to our younger selves? Sure, we all do, eh? Well, like always, I turned to the internet to answer this burning question of mine.

If there was one piece of advice that they could give to their younger self, what would it be?

I’ll go first

“You learn by doing. There is no other way.”

While the responses we got were very thought-provoking, the other ones surely broke our hearts a little. To all those people who participated, we present our gratitude to you. Thanks a tonne! I’m sure your younger self is proud of who you’ve become, regardless. More power to you!

(Disclaimer: The identities of the participants who gave their insightful advice would be kept anonymous for obvious reasons.)

Happy reading! Hope you learn something valuable and life-changing.

  • “Please befriend yourself”
  • “If it doesn’t add value to your life, don’t do it.”
  • “Don’t stress too much and stop overthinking about the future because once it’s here you will somehow manage.”
  • “Don’t waste time!”
  • “Don’t trust and get an emotional attachment with people including parents, friends, and siblings. Instead, attach yourself with God.”
  • “The way you love is your greatest power. Don’t give it away to someone who doesn’t have the power to love you back.”
  • “Your own house is the safest place there is.”
  • “You are enough. Choose to be with people who make you feel safe, seen, supported, and soothed.”
  • “I will sound silly but I don’t regret my mistakes. Without them, I would never have been the person I am today.”
  • ‘Trust yourself, you know more than you think.”
  • “Be proud of yourself with all bad/good in it. You are more valuable than people can see. See who you are with your own eyes don’t let others decide who you are or what you want to be.”
  • “Spend more time surrounded by strong women and make it a practice to lift each other up.”
  • “Learn to love yourself & don’t let a**holes dull your shine. Keep being too bossy, too loud, too weird, and too sensitive & don’t give your time to ANYONE who doesn’t appreciate you.”
  • “I would tell myself, I am not an object for the male gaze. I do not have to open myself up to get the attention I deserve. The love I am looking for is inside of me and has been the whole time.”
  • “Other people’s perspectives of you are a reflection of their own life. Do not take anything personally.”
  • “It doesn’t seem like it now but someday you will figure you’re shut out and be a role model. Live and learn one bit at a time.”
  • “Anything is better than a life standing still.”
  • “Forgive those that wronged you not because they deserve but you deserve to be happy.”

Going to see someone? Ask these questions to them.

  • “Invest in real estate. It’s never too early to start saving for retirement.”
  • “Trust your intuitions.”
  • “Always work hard at a job.”
  • “Keep a good healthy schedule – eating, time off, exercise, and study/work.”
  • “The only way out is through.”
  • “There is no cure for your illness, but you can find ways to manage it so it doesn’t impact your life.”
  • “Do the next right thing!”
  • “Don’t stay, he will never change.”
  • “Make good choices that feel right for you.”
  • “You’re not fat, you never were.”
  • “You are worth more than what you hear in your head. God does love you!”
  • “You’re pretty.”
  • “Whenever you find yourself in a complicated spot and need to make a decision, think to yourself… “If this was my child, what would I want them to do?” That decision is always formed out of love, making decisions as if you loved yourself makes a huge impact in your life.”
  • “Don’t get married, you can’t help or change him.”
  • “Take your mental health seriously and get it under control early on. Learn how to do basic things like pay bills, rent an apartment, and register a vehicle because you will see adulthood despite what you may think now”
  • “If you want a future you better start healing all of your past.”
  • “It’s not going to get better.”
  • “Keep the faith.”
  • “Don’t rush it don’t change who you are for anyone and stand up for yourself don’t be their doormat or punching bag.”
  • “Eat right and exercise. You’ll be glad you did. And don’t hold all that pain in, tell everyone off. Remember it’s okay to say “no”, allow yourself to be treated with love and respect, and not to allow anything but that. Love yourself, and u can achieve anything and u are worth everything!”

Need more advice? Here are 22 things I learned in 22 years.

  • “Stay the course.”
  • “Love yourself and never put others first because no one really cares except your family.”
  • “Don’t try and change others, instead, focus on yourself.”
  • “Love yourself.”
  • “Don’t believe what the bullies are saying.”
  • “Prepare for the worst, but work for the best.”
  • “It WILL get better.”
  • “Relying on relationships for happiness makes you weak.”
  • “Don’t marry her.”
  • “Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.”
  • “Trust your feelings and simply be yourself.”
  • “Take nothing / no one at face value. Research what you wonder about. Question everything you see, read and hear. Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition.”
  • “When your parents say don’t hang out with someone- Don’t!”
  • “Live in the moment. Enjoy today!”
  • “Hang on, it’s going to get crazy and you’re stronger than you think.”
  • “Take risks.”
  • “As soon as you wake up take a little walk around the block in the sunshine. It will change your life. For extra credit, when you get home shower immediately then spend some time studying recording your insights, and meditating. Those tips alone are life-changing.”
  • “Go your own way with no doubt and fear.”
  • “Rein yourself in. Practice controlling your mind.”
  • “Trust your gut.”

Wanna read more? Click here.

I think that one thing that we all can agree upon is that life gives you second chances and tonnes of lemons. You just got to latch onto hope and trust the process. And maybe squeeze the crap out of the lemons and make a delicious lemonade for yourself. It gets better, you just have to keep loving yourself especially on the days when no one else does. And remember, it’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it.

Also, while we’re at it, we’d love to know what you’d advise to the younger you if you could. The comments section awaits your response.

Toodles xx