Introduction To AI Personal Assistant And Its Advantages

Today, we can ask voice assistants like Apple’s Siri, Google Now to perform simple tasks like; “What’s the weather”, “Remind me to take pills in the morning”; etc. in our own natural language. Moreover, The next evolution of natural language interaction with voice assistants is in the form of task automation such as “turn on the air conditioner whenever the temperature rises above 30 degrees Celsius”; or “if there is motion on the security camera after 10 pm, call Bob”. A voice assistant is a digital assistant that uses voice recognition; speech synthesis, and natural language processing (NLP) to provide a service through a particular application.

What is AI Virtual Assistant:

Secondly, Now everyone wants to have an assistant who listens to our call; anticipates our needs, and can take necessary action when needed. Furthermore, This luxury living is now available with the help of an Artificial Intelligence-based voice assistant. Moreover, Voice assistants come in small packages and can perform a variety of actions after hearing our commands. They can launch apps, open the web browsers, answer basic informational queries, tell horoscope, calculate your BMI, answer our queries, play music, send an email, set reminders, make lists, and do basic math calculations, etc.

Advantages of AI Personal Machine:

Thirdly, Voice Assistant allows you to gain the perks of high-end technology and its functionalities. Our proposed application points to many advantages:
1. Firstly, Our proposed application provides security to the user as it can authenticate the authorized user using the Face Recognition technique.
2. Secondly, face recognition technology makes the system secure and robust for the user as this does not require any input from the user through the keyboard or mouse.
3. The application provides flexibility to the user as it can send email just by listening to the command given by the user.
4. Our proposed application stores personal information such as location data, reminders, and contacts in the notebook.
5. This application includes the functions and services such as opening system application, event handler, location services, music player service, checking weather, Google search, Wikipedia search, tell horoscope, general conversation, and help menu.