Ambiverts- Make Way! There’s Someone NEW in This Town

Have you ever tried to understand yourself better? Perhaps, you’ve taken many psychology quizzes but don’t see yourself as an introvert or an extrovert. Is there something wrong with those quizzes? Yes. Is there anything wrong with you? NO. Humans beings are the most complex species living on this planet. Furthermore, it is difficult to categorize them into rigid categories. Not an introvert nor an extrovert? That’s fine. But, something in between? It’s possible. Let’s analyze our personalities because we’re going to learn about ambiverts.

Ambiverts Who?

Ambiverts exist on this planet. In fact, they have been since the creation of Earth. It might be hard to believe since most quizzes don’t account for them. Accordingly, scientists have discovered this little ‘personality type’ recently. But, what are ambiverts? Are you one? There are a few signs that indicate someone being an ambivert. If you see all of these signs in yourself, congratulations! You are an AMBIVERT.

Ambiverts Like and Hate Attention

While extroverts obsess over being the ‘life of the party’, introverts hate it. Honestly, there are more chances of them not even attending that party. However, ambiverts play it cool. They like the spotlight but after their energy levels diminish, they want to go home. Furthermore, they like to be around their friends and others but feel it necessary for some quiet, alone time before they call it a day.

You’re the Moderate One

Have you ever tried reading different articles on introverts and extroverts? Even after you’ve finished an entire stack of magazines, you’re still wondering where you fit in. Actually, that’s something only ambiverts can relate to. They have some many qualities that resemble both mainstream personality types that they can’t decide which one they are. However, there is no need to worry! Just be an ambivert-the cool, new kid on the block!

Friends and Strangers

It’s pretty simple from here. Introverts typically socialize with their friends. Meanwhile, extroverts are always on the lookout for NEW friends. Hence, they have no problem chatting up total strangers. For ambiverts, it’s like a two-in-one story. They like gatherings where they know they’ll find potential friends as well annoying old-timers. In fact, it can be argued that being an ambivert is like a win-win situation.

Good Listener and Talker

While Extroverts are excellent talkers (but please don’t ask them to prove this) and introverts prefer to listen, ambiverts can do BOTH! I know, right? That sounds like the perfect friend! Therefore, they listen when you want them to listen; they talk when no one is ready to break the ice. I suggest you look around in your social circle because you might have a secret ambivert lying somewhere.

Adjustable and Empathetic

Almost like the middle child, they are empathetic. Ambiverts can adjust themselves quickly to any kind of situation. Also, they do it quite well. Furthermore, they can listen compassionately and ask thoughtful questions rather than brushing off or offering unwanted advice. Go Ambiverts!

Want to read more about personality? Click here.
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