America’s Incentives or Bizzarre bribe to Covid?

President Joe Biden has dub June a “month of action” to boost Covid-19 vaccination rates; in the US before his administration’s 4 July; deadline to inoculate 70 per cent of the country with at least one dose. To bring in more inoculations incentives are to be launched.

Most recently, Washington state introduced “Joints for Jabs,” a program in which adults over 21 who get at least one dose of the vaccine can receive a free pre-rolled joint at designated cannabis dispensaries.

Just under half of Americans still have not got the COVID-199 vaccine, per NPR. The U.S. currently has a surplus of vaccines, so low vaccination rates have little to do with availability.

Also, here are, of course, legitimate reasons that people are not vaccinate; like preexisting medical conditions and inaccessibility to testing sites.

There are also plenty of very questionable reasons, many of which are rooted in conspiracy theories; like the false claim the vaccine causes infertility.

Also, many people are yearning for their dose, some people may need a little more convincing, which has turn to many interesting strategies in the US to entice folks into getting their jab to help stop the pandemic.

Guns, beer and marijuana are among incentives are to offer; to Americans to encourage coronavirus vaccinations.

The most recent addition to the odd list of incentives has been in Washington state where licensed marijuana shops are now able to offer free joints.

The question that arises here is do we have to get bribed for vaccines now?. Does human brain always respond to incentive or is common sense or urge to live still a thing? .