Asad Umer Warns, Early Signs of Fourth Covid-19 Wave


Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar Friday said there are clear early signs of the fourth Covid-19 wave starting in Pakistan. One reason is poor compliance of SOPs and the spread of the Delta variant. The federal minister, who is also the chief of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC); said that he had warned two weeks back that the government’s artificial intelligence models are showing possible emergence of the fourth wave in July.

Asad Umer Covid-19 Protocols:

Secondly, Umar added that field reports were showing a complete disregard of the condition of vaccination for those attending indoor weddings; going to indoor restaurants and gyms. Pakistan recently recorded a positivity rate of 3.27 per cent. The last time the positivity rate was 3 per cent was in June. Moreover, The present positivity rate of the virus is 3.6 per cent. Moreover, Asad Umar expressed displeasure over non-compliance with the Covid-19 protocols. Furthrmor, he warned of shutting down sectors not adhering to the directives issued by the health authorities.
