Auras and Colors-Why Should You Care?

What are Auras?

We’ve heard of this word several times. But, what does it mean? Furthermore, why should we care? Auras have various perceptions depending on the person. Some say it’s like ‘an energy that emanates from humans’. Others might think it’s the ‘vibe’ you give off. Both answers are correct to some extent. To understand this concept, think of auras as ‘the way a certain person makes you feel about them’. Some individuals make us feel intimidated; while others make us feel welcome.

Can You See Auras?

Christina Lonsdale quotes, “As human beings, we radiate a very low level of electricity; that’s otherwise known as an electromagnetic field”. This field can either attract or repel others. Every person has an aura. It is usually colorful. Therefore, you can see it with a special camera as Lonsdale suggests; or just by “ slightly squinting [their] eyes and looking in a mirror.” However, this will require a bit of practice. Consequently, it is possible to see your own aura and others too. But, you need to be dedicated to this task.

Colorful Auras

Auras are colorful; they can have more than one prominent color at a time. This is completely normal. In fact, auras can adjust over time. This means that some shades may come and go. Down below, I’m sharing the prominent characteristics of each colored aura. You can even take a test to determine the color of your aura. So, let’s get into it!


One of the most powerful colors, red attracts or repels. It signals aggression or intense passion. If your aura is red, this means that you are energetic, strong-willed, passionate, and a fiery temper. According to Rachelle Terry, they are “quick at putting thoughts into actions. Hence, “they don’t read instruction manuals.”


An orange aura is indicative of your need for social interaction. Also, such individuals are highly driven and self-reliant. It could signal creativity and sexual energy. If you have an orange aura, you are probably adventurous, thoughtful, imaginative, and considerate.


The color purple gives off psychic and spiritual vibes. Likewise, a purple aura communicates spiritual and intuitive abilities. Accordingly, these kinds of people are sensitive and have great mental depths. Thus, If you’re a purple aura individual, people might see you as enlightened, gentle, empathetic, and innovative.


The color blue is associated with calmness like the ocean or the sky. Similarly, blue auras signal calmness, intuition, and relaxed nature. Furthermore, such people are effective communicators. They speak honestly. Also, they have composed and clear thinking. If your aura is blue, others might describe you as insightful, “head in the clouds”, wise and peaceful.


Close your eyes. Think of ‘green’ things. You probably thought of grass, trees, or anything natural. Green auras typically indicate a ‘down to earth’ and ‘unconditional love’ kind of person. Green aura individuals are very well-balanced, focused, and aspiring. Also, your friends might say that you’re nurturing, caring, and healing.


If you have a yellow aura, others might see you as cheerful, happy, and charismatic. Yellow is the color of the sun. Furthermore, yellow auras show confidence, power, ‘a magnetic personality’, and kindness.


Yes, it’s true! Your aura can be colorless too. However, I really think that white should not be referred to as colorless. Since it’s also a color but that’s a debate for another day. White is usually associated with purity and innocence. People with white auras are very rare. However, if you have a white aura, people might say that you have a easy and helpful; you are religiously and spiritually motivated. Finally, they are individuals who “possess receptivity to the universe.

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