Bad Day? No Worries! We’re HERE!


Sometimes, life really hits us. HARD. And, we’re having a bad day. So, what can a person do? Well, it’s kind of difficult to prescribe the best remedy. However, I know of a few tricks that can turn a bad day into a good one. Hopefully, it’ll raise your spirits.

Turn Your Emotions ON

By meditating, journaling, listening to music, crying, venting to a friend, or even speaking to yourself, you can expel all the pent-up emotions! The number one rule when trying to let something go is accepting that it’s already there and there’s no way to achieve riddance from our struggles rather than seeing that they’re there and feeling whatever feelings come along. When we ignore our difficulties, instead of going with the flow of life we just accumulate problems that were not supposed to last in the first place.

Shadow Work

Do you know what shadow work is? No?
Well, shadow work consists of exploring our inner darkness, the repressed, judged, and unaccepted parts of ourselves aka shadow self. By exploring and letting our deepest characteristics come through (not recklessly or dangerously) we can learn massively about those rejected layers of our essence just as our most feared fears and hopes. From shadow work we obtain enlightenment and from enlightenment, we can act more consciously. Anyhow, how is shadow work done? Don’t worry. We’re here to get through it!

Remember topic number one? Allow yourself to feel your emotions… this is the first thing we’re gonna keep in mind when starting the process because that’s the first step we’re gonna take. So, you wanna make sure you’re safe and by yourself, because you are very likely going to cry, maybe even scream and shout. It seems unappealing I know, but we have to let our emotions flow and if it requires a little cry or maybe even some struggling, let it be. We’re releasing them!

If you want you can journal or record voice memos, just write down or say how you feel, and then allow everything to come to the surface. Don’t judge or repress anything. Feel, accept, be kind to yourself and work through it all knowing that you’re not all love, light, and positivity but a whole being that is made of darkness and negative aspects as well, that’s okay!

New is NEW

After we felt and released as much as we could now it’s time to shake it off, we deserve some fine things too. Anyway, to not engage in boredom and sameness, what about trying something you’ve never risked trying before? Sounds fun! It can be anything. Watercolor painting, hiking, sewing, cooking, learning TikTok dances, or even writing a book. Why not? Whatever you fancy!


Have you ever felt like when you help someone that you feel better about yourself? There is some evidence to suggest that when you help others, it can promote physiological changes in the brain linked with happiness. The reason why it happens is that it promotes a sense of belonging which is welcoming and so, nurturing. Plus, it also holds the power of changing our perspective, especially when we help those who are less fortunate, creating a whole new point of view to one cheerless outlook.

Inspiring Quotes

Having a bad day? Let me tell you something, some incredible Instagram pages have got the power to make us feel energized if we just open our minds a little bit and take some time to read and understand their caring words. Not only that but just search inspiring quotes and you’ll get there. And if you want some personal suggestions, so I suggest you look at Cohello’s quotes. He’s pretty good at encouraging people!

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