Then they claim that we don’t value women: Bilal Qureshi on the provocative clothing worn by women

Bilal Qureshi on the provocative clothing worn by women

Bilal Qureshi made his call for female actresses in the entertainment industry to wear modestly and in accordance with cultural norms known in a recent episode of the Ahmed Fozan Podcast. He emphasized how important it is for celebrities to be socially conscious and how their decisions affect impressionable viewers.

“I can only humbly request the women in our entertainment industry – they’re all so beautiful, so talented, so charismatic – they don’t need to wear revealing clothes to any event,” he stated. This is not a custom from our tradition either. I won’t argue from a religious standpoint since many people think that, according to religion, plays shouldn’t be made. However, culturally.”

Bilal emphasized the social duty that comes with being a celebrity. She said that, particularly for young people, celebrities act as role models and should be an inspiration to others. “And those of us who are seen as celebrities have a social duty. People look up to us, particularly teens, therefore everything we do should be positively inspiring,” he said.

Bilal also expressed his preference for modest, all-encompassing clothing over ostentatious gowns. Moreover, he said, “Why should my women dress like this? It isn’t part of our society. Then they claim that we don’t value women.A good movie, in my opinion, is one you can see with your sisters and daughters. You can watch an excellent drama with your sisters and daughters.”

Bilal drew comparisons and acknowledged his love for Bollywood, saying that profanity is not tolerated in Indian cinema either. Bilal voiced his unease over explicit content on social media, highlighting his distaste of nudity and advocating for a more circumspect approach. He underlined the significance of setting boundaries while acknowledging that his position might draw criticism.

Bilal’s message was extended to all women, highlighting limitations in all facets of life and supporting beauty within them. “I would like to tell all women that there is beauty in remaining within one’s boundaries,” he said. “Everything has its boundary. There is no limit to everything. Actresses with incredible skill abound. Some of them are coworkers, and some are pals. They have my respect and love. The one I mentioned served as an illustration.It’s just that certain things are connected to you from birth.”

He went on, “You are a Pakistani by birth and a Muslim by birth. These are things you have to own. It is an integral part of your life, your career, and your personality. These are things you are stuck with for the rest of your life. It’s not like I can ignore my Islam and my Pakistani identity and move on. No. You have to go with these things, run, and fight.”