Avoid These Healthy Foods In Your Diet And Live Longer

Avoid These Healthy Food In Your Diet And Live Longer

Avoid These Healthy Food In Your Diet And Live Longer


Do you really think your healthy diet actually has healthy food? Then think again. Today, Consumers are more concerned about healthy foods, so the food industry has to adapt to trends. How do they sell unhealthy food products to the masses, just name them as healthy!

Diet Soda

Today diet sodas are commonly used as sugar-free versions, mostly considered to have zero calories. But they are made up of unhealthy ingredients, including the artificial sweetener aspartame.

Fruit juices

People usually think of fruit juice as a good source of hydration, but they are just soda. Fruit Juices are usually high in sugar, water and not much else.

Breakfast Cereal

Cereals are usually used in breakfast. Many cereals are labelled as bold healthy on their packages but most are full of sugar and additives. This includes the whole-grain version.

Breakfast cookies

Breakfast cookies also claim to be healthy during their marketing. But there is nothing healthy about these healthy cookies. This is also another marketing strategy.


Margarine isn’t healthy butter but rather rich in saturated animal fat. Ingredients used in margarine include mixing vegetable oils and other chemical compounds that are rich in trans fats. It’s clearly not a healthier butter.

Whole grain

Most people think they are consuming a higher level of fibre, and a lower glycemic index value, so whole grain must be healthier. The idea of eating whole grains instead of cereal grains sounds like a healthy and good one. But it’s not necessary. Modern wheat is much poorer in nutrients compared to the wheat we used to consume in the past. As for the GI, whole-grain bread also will give you a spike in insulin same as white bread.

Organic processed foods

Organic processed food is also not healthy but it’s marketing. What better way to sell an unhealthy food than to label it as organic? Is raw cane sugar healthier than regular sugar? Not really, It contains the same regular sugar, fructose and glucose. Organic food still contains food.

Sports drinks

A big no to a sports drink  Sports drinks contain added sugar, minerals, and artificial dyes. For athletes sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade can be good in some circumstances but \ artificial dyes are clearly not what athletes want in their drinks.


Gluten-free products fall under the false primarily that they are healthy food. Unless you suffer from gluten intolerance, don’t add gluten-free foods to your food.

Sugar-free chocolate

Sugar-free chocolate is prepared by adding artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols, like maltitol, which can have a digestive effect when consumed overly.

Salad dressing

it’s not healthy and usually contains sugar, vegetable oils, and trans fats.The fat-free option is also not a healthy version because it is full of additives, and is not the best alternative.

Use natural dressing such as extra-virgin olive oil and cider vinegar instead.

Diet ice-cream

Diet ice cream contains polysorbate 80, which helps to give a creamy texture and increased resistance to melting, which can be not good for your health.

Other healthy diet products that are not healthy, are diet cookies, vegan snacks,  Agave nectar, cereal/ Granola bars, protein bars, sugarless jello, and brown rice syrup,