Few Daily Habbits You Should Break Immedialtely

Few Daily Habbits You Should Break Immedialtely

Few Daily Habbits You Should Break Immedialtely


Sometimes it’s easier to do things that make life easier, like eating ready-made food or sleeping with wet hair, but these habits are unhealthy. If you want to live healthy 24/7, you should kick these small habits that help you live better.

Long Hot Shower

If you have a habit of hot showers, we’ve got bad news for you. Showering every day in hot water will leave your skin extra dry, exposure to hot water will reduce the skin’s protective layer of natural oils.

Ready-made meals

Readymade might help save your time but they are full of saturated fats and salts.

Synthetic fragrances

Everybody wants their house to smell good, especially the bathroom. But try to avoid using synthetic fragrances.

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the research found that synthetic fragrances can increase the risk of asthma and other breathing problems.

Soaking dishes overnight

Most people think it’s easy to wash dishes after soaking overnight but be careful! dirty water is the only place where bacteria reproduce.

Days off

Are you one of those people who like to sleep all day on days off? Research done by the University of Massachusetts Medical School showed that excessive sleep leads to diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Shaving razors

If you shave with a razor, you should avoid using the same razor for too long. Razors accumulate bacteria and lead to skin allergies.


Showering after a long day can be relaxing and calming but if you sleep with wet hair can cause dandruff and contribute to hair loss.

Ear hygiene

Be careful, don’t excessively clean your ears. Ear wax kills bacteria, protects the inner ear and helps with lubrication.


Having sodas as a fresh drink, and at lunch might be refreshing. Sodas usually have a high sugar content, which also contributes to the weakening of your organs.

Nasal hair

No one wants to have bushes growing out of their nose, be sure not to clean your nose.

Nasal hair has protective properties when you too clean your nose, you are quicker to catch an infection.


After lunch naps are tempting but it’s not good to have, Sleeping with a full stomach can harm your normal digestive cycle and cause both insomnia and reflux.


After many hours of not eating and inactivity, your body needs nutrients in the morning. The brain needs glucose to stay active and alert. If you skip your breakfast meal your brain will take it from your muscles and cause your muscles to weak.

Sleeping with makeup on

Sleeping with makeup may be an easy thing to do but it has a terrific effect on your skin. Your skin needs to breathe and makeup contains chemicals that can be very harmful to your sensitive skin.

Drinking water

Having plenty of water and hydrating yourself is very good for your health. Everybody has days when they are so busy that, barely remember to have a glass of water but it’s not good for health.