Few Households Chores You Might Not Know But You Secretly Love

Creating A Cleaning Calender

Making a calendar is one of the effective habits to live an active life. Have you ever think where we would be without calendars? It’s on you if you prefer an app on your phone or a work of art on your wall because you would be lost without daily reminders about important things. A Calendar is important to keep track of your cleaning schedule. Calendars help you to get things done regularly. And it is one of the activities you secretly love to do.

Closet Purging

If your closet accumulates with clothes, eliminate those clothes that do not fit your body or don’t meet your style. If your closet is full and overwhelmed with clothes that you no longer wear, try Marie’s mentality and ask yourself “Does this item spark joy”? if your answer is no just put that cloth aside and donate it to a good thrift store or try to sell that clothes on a sustainable fashion retail website such as Depop.


It might look very hard thing to do, but this activity is a stress reliever. Moreover, it helps you to make your garden or yard healthy. Taking out unwanted weeds can be wonderfully satisfying.

Reorganizing cupboards

Reorganizing cupboards and closets is an excellent activity of the day. Also reorganising things will be beneficial for future lifesaver when you are searching for coconut flakes or flour. Reorganizing cupboards helps to create a place for everything and everything in its place.

Organizing the fridge

Having a clean and organised fridge is a satisfying thing to do. It’s not only important for hygiene but also helps to empty our fridge with unwanted things like old pizza boxes, and Chinese takeaway containers. Try to organize your fridge based on purchase date, meal type, or the food pyramid, will help to diverge your mind.

Bleaching your shower

Bleaching your shower is a satisfying thing to do after every two weeks. It’s not only for personal satisfaction but for your hygiene. if your bathroom staining gives you the ick, so bleach is best for getting a clean bathroom,

Drawer reorganization

Every household has a catch-all drawer filled with office supplies, scrap paper, doctor’s phone numbers, old bills, and the occasional random gadget, many of which serve no purpose. It’s satisfying to clean and organize this drawer so that important items can be easily found when needed. Consider purchasing a drawer organizer to neatly sort the items into sections.

Cleaning window

Cleaning your windows might be satisfying and help to control your thoughts. Also, clean windows can help to see through a sparkling clean view.

Power Washing

Power washing is a fun activity to do in hot summers. Power washing also helps to clean some outdoor furniture, wooden decks and grubby fences. When you wash your dirty wooden deck you just feel satisfied to watch the dirt just melt away in straight lines.


Painting is also a satisfying and mind-relief thing to do. It always feels nice to apply a fresh coat of paint to reinvigorate a space.