Lies You Shouldn’t Believe

Lies You Shouldn't Believe

As we grew up, we heard many stories that made no sense. Throughout our lives, we heard many myths and lies that become absolute truths. Whether it’s passed from generation to generation or they were spread as rumours.

There are many stories and myths about health, animals, planets, constellations or even routine activities believed as true, but people living in modern life conclude that absolute truths only exist if you know subjectively and everything about a subject (thing).

Stress doesn’t only lead to hypertension. Though it can be increased and temporarily raise arterial pressure, the principal cause of hypertension is due to smoking, diet and genetics.


William Lane spread myths that sharks can’t have cancer, it’s only a way of selling shark cartilage as a cancer treatment. But the shark can have cancer.


It’s a myth that when you shave your hair, your hair grows thicker, and shaving makes your hair grow thicker. But it’s not what you think when you first start to grow, firstly you will feel the tops of your hair, which are actually thicker than the rest of the hair. After they grow out completely, they will be the same as they were before shaving.

Pain and Ice cream

If you have a sore throat, having ice cream or cold something doesn’t make it worse. During sore throat infection is completely isolated, having something cold can actually anaesthetize and soothe the pain.

Water and electricity

Pure water does not conduct electricity. In truth electricity is conducted in water due to the presence of minerals and other substances in it.


Gums do not take 7 or more years to digest. The gum actually never digested, but just passes through our bodies.


Bats actually have good vision to see, they are not blind animals. They usually use sonar to hunt, prey and fly but they can also see.


Toothpaste doesn’t help burns, scars and pimples. When you put toothpaste on your burning area, it actually causes infections and stops the healing process.


mosquitoes don’t have a short life span or lifespan of a day but the average life span of these animals is actually one month.


The Great Wall of China is not only a monument that can seen from space but also other large constructions not seen with the naked eye, but through optic instruments. There are other monuments which can be seen through optical instruments.

Elephant’s trunk

Like other animals, elephants also drink water through their mouths. The nose, or trunk purpose is to store or expel water.


A pony isn’t a baby horse but it actually a type of horse. The full-grown pony still stays small. They will not be the same size as common horses.


Ideal hours of sleep is not 8 hours, it’s however long it takes your body to rest, which changes from person to person.


Sunflowers don’t follow the sun rather their growth point to the east where the sun rises.