The Most Bizarre Plastic Surgery You Need To Know

The Most Bizarre Plastic Surgery You Need To Know

The Most Bizarre Plastic Surgery You Need To Know


Today most people undergo plastic surgery and want to change their appearance to reach standards of beauty. People undergo many small surgeries to change their perceived imperfections.

There are a few strangest plastic surgery might want to know about.

Palm lines

If a person is not happy with their fortune, a palm reader can have surgery to change their hand lines, This surgery was invented in Japan. This surgery only takes 15 minutes, during this surgery electric scalpel is used to change the number of hand lines.

Changes in eye colour

This surgery was invented by Dr Kenneth Rosenthal for those people who don’t want to wear contact lenses every day. This surgery takes about 30 minutes to complete. it can be reversed if the person wants to.

Feet modification

This surgery is mostly performed for women who love to wear shoes. This surgery shortens the toes and narrows the feet for aesthetic purposes. Various doctors warned about the risks of this surgery it could be harmful if it’s poorly performed.

Moustache transplants

Moustache transplantation is a very famous surgery in Turkey. A country known for a hair implant, people from all over the world come here to to undergo this surgery. This surgery takes five hours to complete and can cost up to $5,000.

Poker face

This surgery was invented by Dr.Jack Berdy of New York, whose nickname was Pokertox. Those people who wanted to achieve the perfect poker face underwent this surgery. A series of botox injections are injected in different areas of the face so the person cannot show their emotion. This surgery costs on average $600 to $800 and the result is left for four months.

Mouth corner lift

This surgery is popular in Asia. it is done to make your lips more filler and soften the person’s appearance with a constant smile.

Face Dimples

Most people like to have dimples on their faces when they smile. Many people undergo cosmetic procedures to have dimples, Surgery makes a small incision on the inside of the cheeks. This procedure left no scars and dimples will appear after a few days.

Double eyelid

As part of eye westernization, This surgery is very popular in Taiwan and South Korea. This surgery created an artificial second eyelid for those who wanted to have European eyes.

Elf ears

Elf ears are more like pointy ears. people go through surgery to have an elf years this surgery leaves patients with permanently pointy years. this is a very common practice in body modification communities.

Better belly button

This surgery is called umbilicoplasty, most models prefer this surgery. People who don’t like extra skin poking out from their belly button undergo this surgery. Excess skin is removed and they’re left with an iny.