These are the best breeds of dogs for appartment life


Breed, personality and individual needs are important when choosing a pet. If you live in an apartment and want a dog according to your lifestyle there are some suggestions written below.

Dogs in apartments

A dog can be your best friend, alleviate loneliness from your life, bring happiness and brighten your day. But first, make sure that your dog is happy in its environment.


Some dogs bark a lot which may not be an ideal environment for an apartment setting. And nobody wants to have an annoyed neighbour.

Energetic dogs

Some dogs have high energy and are very energetic. These kinds of dogs usually do not cop with small spaces. They get stressed which can lead to bad behaviour in dogs.

Lazy dogs

There are also low-energy and quiet dogs that are suitable for your apartment. Maybe these dogs are better for your apartment, for you and your neighbour and your canine friend.

Walking the dog

One thing you must do is to take your dog out of the apartment. Even if your dog is reluctant, but they need to go out at least once a day.

English bulldogs

English bulldog

Some dogs are more adjusted to living in small spaces than others like English bulldogs. They are lazy, relaxed and love a fluffy sofa.



Pug loves around people. Some people take them as ugly, but they are friendly, lazy and clingy.

Toy poodle

Toy poodle

Toy poodles are easy to train because they are intelligent. Toy poodles are affectionate and social.

French bulldog

This dog breed is usually friendly with children and other animal. This breed is usually small and friendly.

Contact with Nature

If you have a park near your apartment take your dog out, it makes your dog happy. Make your park useful and connect your dog with nature. Your dog also contacts with other dogs will make your dog happy and better socialised.

Lhasa apso

These small dogs are better for your small apartment because of their calm nature and their size. The problem with these kinds of dogs they are hairy and do leave a lot of hair around.

Maltese Dog

They are also hairy, but they are better for your apartment. These dogs love people and are friendly. They love to be around people without being excessively energetic. They don’t like being isolated, so don’t forget to take them out.


They also have a friendly nature and share strong bonds with their owners. They are small, happy and well-suited to apartment life.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

They like to go for a walk on the beach as, much as they want to spend an afternoon on the couch. They are calm and friendly, make a great companion and best for your apartment.

Yorkshire terrier

They are one of the best breeds for apartment dwellers. They are social, calm and small.


These dogs are small and very affectionate. This breed loves to take a walk and love to play.

Boston terrier

These dogs love children and are fun. They may not be suited for small spaces. These dogs need a regular small wall otherwise they get anxious.