Things That Making You Smell Bad

Things That Making You Smell Bad

Things That Making You Smell Bad


No one wants to smell bad, and everyone tries their best to stay fresh and clean, but we are making some hygiene mistakes without even realizing making us smell bad. Many are unaware of basic personal hygiene and certain foods that can impact our body odour and health.

Below there are certain things that are making you feel bad.

Spicy foods

Spicy food makes you feel hot and release more heat. In spicy food, hot peppers contain capsaicin a chemical compound that makes your body feel hot. The garlic and onion also have an impact on body odour. Garlic and onion release sulfur-like chemical compound when digested, which will then be released through the help of your pores and breath.

You can avoid garlic breath and neutralize it by having mint and lettuce. Eating raw apples may also help.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are nutritious food. Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can also affect your body odour. These foods contain high amounts of sulfur which is then released through your pores. You can’t avoid this food due to its rich nutrition but you can boil it first with salt before cooking. it will help to neutralize the chemicals that cause bad odour.


Patients with diabetes usually smell bad and diabetes can have an impact on your breath. When the body starts to produce blood acids called ketones it produces diabetic ketoacidosis and DK causes acetone brath.

When a person’s body runs out of insulin, the body starts to suffer from diabetes and it turns your breath into a fruity, acetone-like scent.


Having excessive meat can affect your body’s odour. The research was conducted by studying two control groups of men( one group consisted of those who ate meat and the other didn’t). Then two groups were analysed by a group of women. The non-meter was perceived as more attractive, having a pleasant smell and less intense.


Is it true that stress makes you stink? it could be true. The sweat glands located where our hair grows called apocrine glands, can contribute to an intense BO.

Research said these glands are usually active during anxiety and stress and activate bacteria to interact with the sweat. This produces chemicals that make our body smell bad.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing stops through the mouth during sleep. This not only causes poor breathing the next morning but also affects the sleep quality. This is because you often breathe through your mouth open which consequently helps the breeding of halitosis-causing bacteria which cause bad breath smell.


Fabric can impact your body odour based on the type of cloth you wear such as cotton or polyester. some fabrics can develop bacteria, that frequently make you smell bad. A study found that cotton t-shirts produce more odour-causing bacteria compared to polyester t-shirts. Polyester t-shirts allowed bacteria to proliferate which produced less odor.

Other things cause you to smell bad, like fear and your age.