Things That You Won’t Believe Ban In USA

Things That You Won't Believe Ban In USA

Things That You Won't Believe Ban In USA


Check out these things that are banned by the US government and are illegal in the USA.

Cuban cigars

Cuban cigars were banned in the USA during the Cold War in 1962 as part of JFK’s embargo of Cuba. From the Cold War to this day, it’s still illegal to buy and sell cuban cigars in the US.

Predicting the future

In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to do such practices as using coffee grounds, crystal balls, tarot cards, astrology and palmistry, and some other methods to predict the future. It’s illegal to receive money in the name of predicting the future without a license.

Toy guns

Since 2012, It has been banned to use or sell any toy guns or replica firearms on the Las Vegas Strip.

Colour photocopying money

It’s illegal to have a colour copying machine in the USA. The US Treasury Department advised USA people not to keep colour photocopying money machines.

Spanish ham

It’s illegal to buy and sell Spanish ham in USA Spanish ham or jamón ibérico, is one of the finest ham in the world. It’s illegal to use this processed meat in the US. The reason behind this not a single pork slaughterhouse in Spain meets FDA standards.

Zombie wine

Federal regulations from 1960 banned the use of the name “Zombie” as a brand name for wine.

Lawn darts

A popular backyard game ban has been banned since 1987. It was banned after the incident when one wayward projectile tragically hit the head of a seven-year-old girl, who died.

Mailbox Vandalism

It’s an illegal federal offence to tamper with or destroy mailboxes or any mail posted inside them. US considered mailbox federal property and damaging then can cause you the pay a US$250,000 fine and three years in prison.

High heels

In California, you can’t walk through the streets wearing heels over 5cm(2in) high, or with less than 6sq cm ( 1sq in) of heel surface, without a permit.


Haggis is Scotland’s national dish, the US banned this dish in 1972. Haggis is a savoury meat pudding usually made with the lungs, heart, and liver of a sheep. It was banned in the USA and became illegal over fears that eating sheep lung would cause and transmit sheep-related diseases called scrapie.


About 15 states of the USA banned masks and passed anti-mask laws. Anti-mask laws are usually passed in attempts to prevent mob action during protests.

Dog’s and cat’s fur

The USA banned selling, importing, buying or producing any merchandise made from the pelts or fur of dogs or cats. This law was passed to protect pets from being killed or harmed.

Cigarette machines

The FDA bans all cigarette vending machines except for those in business that forbid minors to enter like strip clubs and bars.

Kinder surprise

Kinder surprise eggs are banned and illegal to sell in the USA, due to safety concerns because it doesn’t contain nutritive objects inside the product. There was a capsule that looked like a toy found inside the egg.

Sharing login passwords

The state of Tennessee banned the sharing of login passwords for Spotify, Netflix, Hulu and other services. People don’t share login passwords unless they live under the same roof.