Why do men die earlier than women

Why do men die earlier than women

It’s true, that on average, men die early.

The first reason is men are less likely to visit doctors or less frequently do their checkups. But if we have ever visited a nursing home, assisted-living facility, or other senior community, the women are more in number than men.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), data for 2017-2019 showed that in Australia, the expected life during birth for males was 80.9 years and for females was 85.9 years, a gap of 4.1 years.

Women more consistently report and seek care for stress, depression, and anxiety as compared to men.


Men mostly are risk takers, inclined to underestimate risk, don’t show their emotions and are more I’m pulsive and sensation-seeking. They take more frequent and dangerous risks.

Due to men’s hormones, affect their behaviour and are prone to risks. In the brains of boys and young men, the frontal lobes are generated slowly. That’s why boys and younger boys lack in judgement and evaluating consequences. The slower development of frontal lobes results man take more risky behaviours and activities.

Risky jobs

Men are mostly responsible for risky jobs. In military combat, construction, oil rigs, policework and frightening, men mostly outnumber women. Stress and unhealthy lifestyles lead to a decrease in their life span.

Dangerous sports and activities

Men outnumber women in dangerous sports and activities, especially men participating in sports such as rugby and boxing, or driving cars or motorcycles at high speeds or racing.  These activities lead them to dangerous accidents, long-term disability and premature death.

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in men. Cardiovascular diseases like heart, stroke, and vascular disease were higher in men( 6.5%) than women (4.8%). A study done in Norway observed nearly 3,000 people in Norway who had heart attacks between 1979 and 2012, men were more likely than women to have a heart attack. One important factor is, that the female sex hormone estrogen is protective against cardiovascular disease and due to the estrogen hormone, women have a lower incidence of such disease until menopause.

Men have high levels of testosterone hormone which is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Immune system

women’s body is known to produce stronger immune responses and more antibodies than male bodies. This helps women ward off diseases and live longer.


Men consume more drugs than women. According to a report of The Health of Queenslanders by the Chief Health Officer Queensland 2020, approximately 410,000 Queenslanders consumed smoked daily in 2020, and from there 12% were male and 8.9 %female.

Among Queensland adults aged 18% years and older, 50% of men consumed alcohol and only 26% of women consumed alcohol above the limits suggestions.


There is a theory in biology that animals with larger-sized die early, and have a short span of life. Men human are usually larger than females, so may that have some effect on the lives of men.

Social Connections

People who are anti-social and have weaker connections with people are more inclined to death, and for that reason still unclear. According to this reason, men die more early than women due to their low social connections.