There are more than 7 billion people in the world existing. Every single human is different from the others. Each individual has some unique characteristics be it their appearance, way of talking, accent, lifestyle, facial features etc. Some people have character traits that make them special. Besides the good, their is also a bad side to every person. Possessing any bad habits doesn’t make the whole person bad, but unfortunately, not everyone is able to understand this. People judge others on the basis of what they have done wrong no matter how good they are. The dilemma of our society is that even the smallest of the mistakes of someone makes them a bad human. Just like this, people also mock others’ physical appearance, even if its their facial features, skin color, body shape or height. This act of mocking is known as “Body Shaming”.
Every human in our society is busy body shaming one another, not realizing how badly it can effect someone’s mental health. Criticizing the looks of people has become so common nowadays. People, before objecting, don’t even think that how can a person change his features or skin color or body type. These are all the things that are god-gifted. No human is able to change his appearance other than his clothes. This act of body shaming can badly one’s mental health. People who have been a victim of this cruel act become hurt, go into depression, become anxious, loose self love and all of this eventually leads to suicidal thoughts or suicide. We, as humans, are not supposed to bring down others. We must accept that all bodies are beautiful and all humans are perfect the way they are.

I am an introvert who has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. I like to view the world with an optimistic eye.