Britain considers vaccine passports to restart international travel

Britain is looking at easing travel restrictions, including allowing the ones with double vaccination against Covid-19; to enjoy a foreign holiday without intrusive red tape; so, a step that indicates vaccine passports are firmly back on the agenda.

Also, countries in the European Union (EU) last week agreed to an easing of travel restrictions over summer that will allow fully vaccinated tourists to avoid tests or quarantines and broaden the list of EU regions from which it is safe to travel.

Britain, whose vaccination programme has seen more than half of adults receive both doses of Covid-19 vaccine; is now considering similar plans, the Daily Telegraph reported.

We are trying to move cautiously and progressively in the right direction; so I wouldn’t write anything off at this point,” Norman told Sky News, adding that the virus was not something to be control; “[So] it would be imprudent to make any carte blanche or… firm statement now.”; Norman said it would be important to consider the issues of fairness for those who have yet to be offer shots or are unable to have them.

Under the plans, people who have had two doses of Covid-19 vaccine; are allow to avoid quarantineon their return from amber list countries; although they will still have to undergo tests, the newspaper said. Also, It added that officials are still working on whether any new regime would be limited to returning Britons or apply to all arrivals.

Britain allows international travel to resume last month and end travel restrictions ; but nearly all major destinations were left off its list of countries open for quarantine-free holidays.