Business books that must be read by entrepreneurs

There are so many books and so little time to read them. Around 130 million books have been published in the history of humanity. While alone 600,000 to 1,000,000 books are published in the united states. Books are the true companion that is packed with knowledge and insights. Books not only provide the knowledge but they help in improving the reading, writing and speaking skills. And so, there are many books in so many categories that can help in boosting one’s memory and intelligence while they also leave a long-lasting impact on its readers
but let’s talk about business books.

Hundreds of business books (BB) come out every year. They are read by millions of people. If there are one thing business books (BB) will do without fail it is to provide you with business acumen.

But with so many titles to choose from which one the entrepreneurs, leaders and a businessman should prioritize

Here are the 3 business books (BB) which must be read by entrepreneurs, leaders, and anybody who wants to enter the field of business at all stages of their careers these Business books have made it to the New York best-seller list and have been recommended over and over again by critics and the worlds most successful leaders.

These business books (BB) are great for those of you looking to do anything from… starting a blog (if so, you’ll want to check out the best blogging books), to advance your career, building a business, learning new skills, picking up more productive habits, charge higher rates for your work—and everything in between. I compiled this list of business books (BB) specifically for entrepreneurs, creatives, freelancers, and professionals.

1. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

From hundreds of business books (BB), the first one recommended is Think and grow rich is one of the universally recognized personal development masterpieces.

The book’s philosophy evolves around the idea that success in any endeavor, can be reached through mental visualization and imagination.

In simple, the book tells that your mind is that one thing that can stop you or propel you toward becoming the best version of yourself
“A genius is simply one who has taken full possession of his own mind and directed it toward objectives of his own choosing, without permitting outside influences to discourage or mislead.”-Napoleon Hill

13 principles

The book is broken down into what Hill describes as the Thirteen Steps to Riches, which include:
1. Thoughts are Things
2. Desire
3. Faith
4. Autosuggestion
5. Specialized Knowledge
6. Imagination
7. Organized Planning
8. Decision
9. Persistence
10. Power of the Mastermind
11. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
12. The Subconscious Mind
13. The Sixth Sense

Resons this book should be read

Here are the reasons why this business book (BB) should be read:
1.It seamlessly draws out the basic instinct or says the inborn pattern of great leaders, entrepreneurs, blatant determined people who changed the world we live in.
2.It explains the 13 principles to be followed to accumulate riches.
3.It explains the six ways to turn your desire into gold
4.It draws out the major attributes of the leadership
5.It explains the 31 causes for the failure.
6.It clearly explains the utmost importance of the persistence
7.It explains about the mastering of your subconscious mind and how to master it


2. Rich Dad, poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

I consider this business book from hundreds of business books (BB) to be centered mostly around financial advice and author Robert Kiyosaki claims it to be the #1 personal finance book of all time. Interestingly enough, it seems to polarize most readers. People either feel that it has revolutionized their way of thinking about finances or alternatively feel that it takes 200 pages to tell a message that could have been told in 20.

Here’s what I think: It depends on what your baseline knowledge about personal finance is at the time you start reading Rich Dad Poor Dad—and if you’re towards the beginning of your journey to personal finance mastery (or even something as simple as better managing your blog taxes), Kiyosaki’s message can lead to helpful breakthroughs.

Many of us understand the concept and the benefits of savings, however, we don’t know how to manage our money. From those range of books that cover personal finance Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki is one of the best selling finance books that helps to open up your mind on how to improve your financial knowledge


The very major reason why this Business Book (BB) should be read is that it teaches you that mastering your emotions is necessary when dealing with money. The book states that two emotions fear and desire affect an individual’s thought process leading them to make decisions that aren’t rational. By choosing your thoughts you can confront fear, weakness, or any other emotion you experience. You can begin to think of different solutions to your financial problems and struggles rather than allowing emotions to control you and your monetary situation.

learning is more important

The book also teaches that learning from your work is important than earning. The book has emphasized that learning does not end when you complete school or college. The rich people work not for job security but they work to learn. If an individual invests time in the knowledge they will get smarter outcomes. So when you are working try to learn a little about a lot. Learn about sales, investing, marketing, accounting.

invest in assets not liabilities

This book advises to invest money in assets, and not in liabilities
One of the primary causes of all financial struggles is not knowing the difference between the asset and liability. If you know the difference you can quit work at some point, because of your asset with work for you. The rich people acquire assets that put money in their pockets while the poor people acquire the liabilities which is something that takes money out of their pockets. For instance, if a mobile phone is bought from a hard-earned income then it’s a liability, not an asset because gradually its value is going to decrease and some now model with be released. So if you want to be rich simply spend money on assets

Reading great business books (BB) is one of the most cost-effective methods to become a whip-smart business person

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Start with Why book grew out of a TED talk delivered by the author, Simon Sinek, which has become the third most popular TED Talk ever. It’s built around the question, “Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential and more profitable than others?” This business book’s basic premise is that the leaders who have had the greatest influence, act and communicate in the same way—which is the opposite of how most people function.

Start with why is the third recomended book from hundreds of business books (BB) There are very few leaders, products, or companies that create movement. Very few leaders motivate, inspire their followers and employee to stick with them through the good and bad days both.

Simon the author of the book many years ago lost his passion for his business and realized it was because he hadn’t worked out WHY he had started it.

On his transformative journey, he also realized that the world’s most famous and inspiring leaders all think, act and communicate in the same way. There was a pattern to how they operated. Simon codified it and ever since he’s been sharing this code with the world.
Leaders like Martin Luther king along with companies like Apple, southwest airlines. They started movements and had loyal followers and customers. It’s because these leaders, products, and companies started with WHY.
The code:

The code is translated into a simple circle called the golden circle

Golden circle

1. what you do.
2. how you deliver the what, and more generally, the unique way in which you deliver.
3. why the business exists, your purpose. Then why is it not about making profits because that’s the result?

Inspired and the most famous leaders, organization start all think, act and communicate from the inside out, from the why. However, everyone else starts with what and never understands their way which is the real problem.
Every one of us in this world wants to become rich and successful.

why this book is important for entrepreneurs

We aim to become successful in businesses, ventures, relationships, and ultimately in life. However, to be frank, most of us fail to become one or are partially successful in whatever we start with. The author of the book feels that there is a reason behind it. Simon Sinek states the why some people are innovative, influential, and more profitable than others is because they commenced their journey with ‘why’.

In this book, Sinek quotes that some of the most successful and influential people in the world like Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. focused not on the results of their venture but the question of why. People who ask ‘why’ than ‘how’ or ‘what’ are those who touch lives with their works and inspire people over the years. They achieve remarkable things and carve a place for themselves in the world. By quoting some real-life stories, the author gives clear ideas on what it takes to desire, inspire and lead.

Start with Why book How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action is for those who dream big and want to achieve their dreams. It is for those who do not compare themselves with others or complain about whatever comes in their life, but for those who are ready to face the challenges and emerge victorious against the odds and set an example. An inspiring book that will change the course of the way things work and how people perceived success.

One of the points of reading business books (BB) is that tell you stories that provide context around challenges and opportunities. The context and stories can open your mind up to new choices, some you may not have considered. Some business books (BB) provide frameworks for thinking about choices and decisions.