Celebrities Should not be Role Models

1. Celebrities should not be role models because most of them do drugs for example Robert
Downey Jr. and Robin William. If they become role model people who just think celebrities should
be their role model they would think that they are so cool and they will start following them. As a
result, there will be many drug problems. Some celebrities also have a dark past like they have
some criminal record which will make their followers think, “It’s okay to commit crimes”.

2. Celebrities should not be role models because celebrities can turn bad or inappropriate to
the people who liked them before they turned bad. For example, Miley Cyrus who was a celebrity
turned bad and inappropriate for kids. When she became famous, she sighed up for a kids’ show
on television, with the title Hannah Montana, where she danced and was an attraction for kids.
Kids knew Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana. So far so good. But then she quitted and made songs
of her own where she smoked and took drugs. Not what about the influence she might leave on
kids’ minds when not all the kids are continuously supervised by their parents.

3. Celebrities usually do good things because they want to be either famous or they’re getting paid for it. Celebrities also don’t have a good attitude towards paparazzi and sometimes destroy their cameras. The way some of them behave is completely inappropriate for younger fans/audiences. Celebrities only look good because they can afford expensive make-up and make other people follow them who cannot afford make-up or do plastic surgery. Instead, they go for cheaper options risking their health. Celebrities also do drugs which make the fan think it’s “cool” which might bring them to death.

4. Celebrities should be role models because children might want to imitate
them, and all celebrities don’t live a good life. They can turn sexual, greedy, mean, rude, and all
sorts of nasty things. Like I said not all celebrities live a good life. Some have a very unhealthy,
depressing life. The children might want to act like that to either get attention or think that’s good
because that’s what so and so did. That can lead to sadness, depression, and lots more stuff.
Imitation could also lead to doing drugs, hurting, or killing people. It can also change the
personality because the kid might want to imitate him/her and have no creativity. Like kids dress
like Miley Cyrus and that is sexual, but if they might have not looked up to them they might’ve
dressed as something else because the kid doesn’t imitate him or her. Some kids might really love
the celebrity they are addicted to them. They might spend a lot of time going on social media apps
and get tuned to what the celebrity is doing. So they won’t spend much time with family or friends.
They might also not get focused on studies because they don’t study and all they do is get tuned.
The addiction can lead to fighting with parents or friends about leaving them or something else that
would relate. So to conclude celebrities should not be role models because of what imitation and
addiction do. Imitation can lead to the following: doing drugs, hurting people, live a sad and
depressed life, no creativity, and live an unhealthy life. Addiction can lead to the following: too
much time on social media apps, not focus on studies and fights then can destroy family or