Chief Justice Urges ECP Decision Legal Insight Unveiled

ECP declines to postpone the presidential election

Notification is your own mistake,” Chief Justice Aamir Farooq addressing the ECP lawyer said. “We are not going over the merit but an application, which is pending should be decided,” CJ IHC said.

“The commission approves or reject it, but it should take a decision,” Justice Aamir Farooq said. “It is a legal matter and should be seen as per the law,” chief justice observed. “We are agreed over the basic points that the petition has been in pending. It has to be seen now, what is solution of the matter

The notification will become void if their appeals being approved in the election commission,” chief justice said.

“It has to be proved before the commission that irregularities happened, to get the notification being cancelled,” the lawyer said.

“The court could not issue direction to the election commission, but I will give my observation,” Justice Aamir Farooq said. “The court could also issue direction to the commission,” lawyer Shoaib Shaheen said. “The commission is also a constitutional institution, so it is a view that the high court could not issue direction,” chief justice said.

“We plead to declare the notification of the election commission as void,” Shoaib Shaheen said. “If results will be annexed again then everything will end,” he argued.