How To Make Cold Coffee Simple Recipe


Cold Coffee is the most famous type of coffee liked by all generation of people whether children or adults. It makes a perfect combo with movies or spending your off-time reading a book. Moreover, it is tasty as well as filing at the same time. Moreover, it serves as the best drink in either breakfast, lunch or dinner. Today I am going to share a very easy recipe to make a cold coffee and enjoy your free time with friends and family in no time.

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  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee – powder or granules
  • ¼ cup warm water
  • 3 to 4 tablespoon raw sugar or add as required
  • 2 cups milk – cold or chilled
  • 6 to 8 ice cubes or as needed – optional

How to Make Cold coffee:

  1. In a blender take your instant coffee, raw sugar, add warm water.
  2. Blend for a minute or until the coffee solution becomes frothy and the brown colour lightens a bit.
  3. Add 6 to 7 ice cubes. For a thick cold coffee, you can reduce the ice cubes from 2 to 4.
  4. Pour 2 cups cold milk.
  5. Whole milk gives a slightly thicker consistency and is richer. You can opt to make cold coffee with skimmed milk or low-fat milk. If you decided to add either, then reduce the ¼ cup water to about 2 to 3 tablespoons.
  6. Blend for 1 to 2 minutes or until the milk is mixed evenly with the coffee concoction and you see a nice frothy layer on top.
  7. Pour in glasses and serve cold coffee. The frothy top layer will settle into the beverage as it sits, so it’s best to enjoy blended iced coffee right away.