Covid-19: Mayhem in several cities across Netherland

Riots in Netherland

The third night of riots has caused chaos across the Netherlands where protesters have defied the new curfew. The 9:30 pm to 4:00 am curfew took effect on Saturday evening to restraint the spread of coronavirus. It’s the country’s first nationwide curfew since world war 2.
a group of young men later hijacked the demonstration, which initially,  started as a peaceful one. A leading Dutch criminologist, Ferwerda told the Dutch public broadcaster, NOS, riots involved “virus deniers, political protesters looking for violence while others appeared planned from the start.
In Rotterdam, police used water cannons and tear gas to dispel crowds. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb issued an emergency order on Monday evening instructing residents in the town center to leave the area. He told reporters that at least 300 people took part in the demonstration.

In Eindhoven, Protesters catapulted golf balls and fireworks at police, who eventually used tear gas to clear the crowds. Rioters threw rocks at the windows of a hospital in the eastern city of Enschede
On Saturday; Protesters torched a Covid-19 testing center in the northern village of Urk; local authorities said.
The prime minister condemned the weekend riots in which protesters attacked police and set cars on fire.“What motivated these people has nothing to do with protest; this is criminal violence,” Mark Rutte said.
The head of the national police union, Koen Simmers, told Dutch television: “I hope it was a one-off but I’m afraid it could be a harbinger for the days and weeks to come,” he said. with more protest is expected in the next few days.
John Jorritsma, mayor of Eindhoven; warned bluntly that ‘we’re on our way to civil war’.

Police in The Hague has opened an investigation. They said more than 200 people defied the 9 p.m. curfew after a call to demonstrate circulated on social media.
police have detained nearly 200 people and more than 5,700 fines have been issued to people for breaking the curfew.
However, the number of new cases has been declining in the Netherlands. The 4,129 new cases reported on Monday was the lowest daily increase since 1 December.
There have been 13,579 deaths in the Netherlands from COVID-19 and 952,950 infections.