Covid-19 Vaccine: 5 Myths


Recently, a general mistrust has been observed in the Pakistani public regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines this behavior as vaccine hesitancy or “delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines”. It may stem from multiple factors such as mistrust of the West, religious reservations, and biological concerns. . Let us debunk the top 5 myths circulating popular media:

1# The Side-effects Of The Vaccine Are Worse Than The Virus Itself

Common, short-lived reactions to the vaccine include fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever, as per data collected from nearly 50,000 individuals. Severe reactions were rare, occurring in less than 5% of subjects. It is essential to remember that side-effects indicate that the body is responding to the vaccine and strengthening the immune system against the COVID-19.

2# The Vaccine Contains A Microchip To Control The Masses

There are no nano-trackers or microchips in the vaccine, nor does the vaccine alter our DNA. However, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines do contain mRNA. This is a strand of genetic code that is found in our body cells as well. The code is modified to help cells create proteins that mimic the ones found in the virus, thus stimulating the production of antibodies. It must be remembered, nevertheless, that none of the vaccine’s ingredients include trackable material. Hence, the vaccine is safe for consumption and its sole purpose is to help the immune system fight against the vaccine.

3# The Vaccine Can Lead To Infertility In Women

The COVID-19 vaccine does not affect fertility. It only teaches the immune system to defend the body against the virus itself. The confusion originated from a false social media report, stating that the vaccine negatively impacts the protein responsible for placenta development. The view stems from the misinformation that the protein which aids the development of the placenta is similar to the one found in the COVID-19. This is false, as both proteins are different and the vaccine will not affect a woman’s fertility. This was demonstrated in the Pfizer vaccine trials, where 23 women who received the vaccine became pregnant. 

4# The COVID-19 Vaccine Contains Controversial Ingredients

The possible use of pork gelatin and cow products in the vaccine, which is often used to stabilize vaccine ingredients, has raised concern among Muslim and Hindu communities. Authorized vaccines e.g. Pfitzer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca contain mRNA, a strand of genetic code, fats, salts, and sugar. Pork gelatin or cow products are not included in their vaccine formula unless stated otherwise. Some companies which have yet to deliver an official statement regarding vaccine ingredients include Sinovac, CanSino Biologics, and Sinopharm. 

5# There Is No Need To Get Vaccinated If Already Recovered

Due to severe health risks and the possibility of re-infection, it is essential to get vaccinated, regardless of whether one has already recovered. Natural immunity, which develops in recovered patients, varies from person to person. While further study is required, early evidence shows that natural immunity does not last very long. Therefore, many scientists believe that the vaccine provides better protection than natural immunity.