Detective Comics vs Marvel Deadliest Villains

When comparing DC and Marvel, it’s clear that the two universes are vastly different while also vastly alike. There are numerous elements that can be compared; characters who defy expectations; heroes and villains who inspire hope and fear. Perhaps few, however, are as noteworthy as the two companies’ villains: The Joker, Magneto, Green Goblin, and Lex Luthor.

Marvel and DC feature among the most iconic villains of all time. It’s one matter to rank them, but, when comparing similar villains to one another, it becomes clear that some villains are superior. They can be compared to one another based on the quality of writing, powers, epic moments, and their sheer coolness factor. When the villains of Marvel and DC are compared, which ones come out on top

1. Joker Vs. Red Skull Villains

Both are iconic for their vile cruelty and disdain for humanity. Both are evil. But when comparing the two, the Joker is simply far more memorable. Red Skull is a Nazi. He represents a very real evil in society. At the end of the day, however, Red Skull can always be punched in the face and beaten into submission.

But the Joker exists as an anomaly. He is not terrifying because he stands in for real bigotry and hatred. He is terrifying because he represents chaos. The Joker is a fluid evil. He can represent any awful thing in society one moment before switching the next. Because of the absurd chaos, the Joker represents, writers, can do whatever they want with him.

Score: DC: 1 Marvel: 0

2. Amanda Waller Vs. Thunderbolt Ross Villains:

Amanda Waller and Thunderbolt Ross are both representatives of authority. While neither is a true villain—and have indeed helped the heroes of DC and Marvel on multiple occasions—they both work for their own selfish desires.

But Amanda Waller has something Ross could never have: an intimidating factor. Ross is out hunting the Hulk, but often, despite all the power at his disposal, always feels like a distant threat or background issue for the Hulk. Amanda Waller is able to hold an edge over everyone around her. She can make Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot—villains of incredible might in their own rights—cower before her. She can keep up with Batman in a match of wits. There is no question. Amanda Waller is a far bigger threat than Ross, even when Ross Hulks out.

Score: DC: 2 Marvel: 0

3. Vandal Savage Vs. Loki:

Two of the biggest manipulators in the DC and Marvel Universes, both are seemingly immortal figures who use their wits and brains to play games, weaving webs of intrigue around their adversaries.

However, while both are fascinating characters, this round definitely goes to Loki. Vandal Savage is a powerful threat, but he’s far from a very entertaining one. Loki is simply a far more entertaining character to watch.

Score: DC: 2 Marvel: 1

4. Poison Ivy Vs. Mystique

While many compare DC villiains Catwoman and Black Cat to one another, Poison Ivy and Mystique have far more in common than people might realize. Both are crafty women driven by a will to protect and help — in Ivy’s case plants, while in Mystique’s case mutants. Think of them as literal social justice warriors.

However, between the two, Poison Ivy is a character people really want to read. Part of Mystique’s appeal is her mystique. She is enigmatic and always seems to have secrets that keep slipping out. Poison Ivy, however, is a far more open book. Readers have a sense of the villain’s intimate life. Her friendship/romance with Harley Quinn is far more memorable than any of Mystique’s several affairs.

Score: DC: 3 Marvel: 1

5. Darkseid Vs. Thanos

Marvel definitely ripped off DC when crafting their iconic villain Thanos. While MCU fans are only now realizing why they ought to fear the Mad Titan, comic fans have known for years that Thanos may be one of the biggest bads of the Marvel Universe. The problem is… Darkseid is worse in every way. Thanos may be a cosmic threat, but Darkseid is a God of Evil. His powers are beyond anything that mankind can understand. Sure, Thanos has his Infinity Gauntlet, but Darkseid seeks the Anti-Life Equation. Plus, while MCU Thanos may have a noble goal, the comic version destroyed half of the universe so Death would notice him.

Score: DC: 4 Marvel: 2


As we can see from the score; it is clearly seen that DC has won this title with a great margin. If marvel has the strongest heroes DC is famous had known for its deadliest villains.