Happy Memers Day, Ducky bhai Trending on Twitter


Saad ur Rahmaan; is also known as Ducky Bhai is a famous Youtuber, Roaster, and Celebrity. Moreover, He is famous for his roasting videos. Furthermore, He got famous for his gaming videos and roasting videos. The Youtuber has crossed 2.5 million views on Youtube and is a popular figure on Twitter. Recently from the last two days ducky Bhai hashtag #duckybhai is trending on number one on Twitter. the people are further curious that why Ducky Bhai is trending no. 1, but absolutely nobody knows why. The y are celebrating it as Happy Memer’s Day.

Just Snacked trending on Twitter:

ducky Bhai in Junaid Akram show:

Moreover, Ducky Bhai recently; was invited to the Just Snacked show and it was quite likely by people. #ComedyKaDose #SnackVideoPakistan #DuckyBhai #InterraChawals #GanjiSwag #DaalMash pic.twitter.com/NPkg2LLs7s