Eidul Azha seen as next big test in Covid fight

Increase in Coronavirus amid Eid shopping

ISLAMABAD: Just a fortnight after lifting of the curbs impose to contain the spread of coronavirus; the number of infections and positivity rate have again started increasing in the country. Eid ul Azha is also round the corner.

Also, health experts fear that Eid ul Azha can provide an opportunity to the virus to bounce back.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issues new guideline to the nations for international travel suggesting that proof of Covid-19 vaccination should not be require as a condition for entry to or exit from a country.

Moreover, on June 9, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) took a number of decisions, including easing the curbs from June 15. It set June 30 deadline for the government employees to get inoculate walk-in facility for people over 18 years; begun from June 11 and vaccination centres’ timings readjust; from 8am to 10pm daily, except Sundays.

From June 15, restrictions on two-day weekly closure of businesses were relaxed to one day. It was also decide to allow indoor gyms to remain partially open; for members with jabs and allow specific non-contact sports.

Similarly, two-day weekly ban on inter-provincial transport was also lifts and 70pc occupancy in public transport were allow, instead of 50pc.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of NHS Sajid Shah told Dawn that; 16.7 million doses of vaccines have administer to people so far.

“The NCOC directs the federating and administrative units to ensure that cattle markets are establish outside cities and traders and workers at the markets are vaccinate. Availability of hand sanitizers and masks should ensure at the markets,” he says.
