New Fixed Charges for Electricity Bills Starting July 2024

New Fixed Charges for Electricity Bills Starting July 2024

The regulatory authority has sent its proposal of fixed charges of Rs200-1,000 a month in the electricity bills to the government, which will give the final nod to impose the fixed charges.

According to the proposal, the domestic consumers using 301-400 units a month will pay from July 1, 2024, the fixed charges of Rs200 per month and those using 401-500 will pay Rs400, and the end electricity consumers consuming 501-600 are to pay Rs600.

The residential consumers who use the 601-700 units will pay Rs800 a month and those who use above 700 units will pay Rs1,000 a month.

The residential consumers using the ToU time of use meter will also pay Rs1,000 fixed charges a month.

Commercial consumers having loads less than 5kW will also pay Rs1,000 a month as fixed charges. However, those commercial users of electricity having a load of 5kW and above will pay now Rs2,000 from the existing Rs500, showing an increase of 300 percent.

Currently, the total cost of electricity units comprises 72 percent fixed charges and 28 percent variable charges.

The Complete List Of Slabs

Units consumed (GWh) Fixed Charge(s)
301-400 units/month Rs. 200/month
401-500 units/month Rs. 400/month
501-600 units/month Rs. 600/month
601-700 units/month Rs. 800/month
Above 700 units/month Rs. 1,000/month

Recently, following the announcement of Budget 2024-25, the federal government further burdened the inflation-hit citizens with Rs 5.72 per unit hike in power tariff.

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) announced that the average electricity tariff will rise to Rs. 35.50 per unit from the current Rs. 29.78.
