Word and Emotions! Feelings we feel but cannot explain!!

As humans, we are capable of experiencing and expressing complex and profound emotions. Now, these emotions are aren’t the easiest things to explain and express. I mean, it’s hard to restrict our feelings to words. I hope you get it. Anyway, here are a few emotions that we feel but probably didn’t know how to explain it or “put it into a word”.


Now, I’m going to be honest. I came across this word today. But, I’ve felt it many times as a teenager. When I’m walking to school or in the grocery store and bump the trolley with another person’s, it’s hard not to feel this emotion. Basically, it means “the realization that everyone has a complex life just like you do.” Therefore, anyone is capable of possessing perplexing ambitions, worries, routines, etc.


This one is a tough one. And, I’m thinking some of you out there haven’t even experienced it. This word, which I cannot even pronounce properly, means “the feeling that everything you do (no matter what it is) is somehow wrong. So, don’t be worried. There’s always a word to explain your emotions. Almost always. The hard part is feeling it. I guess.

Rigor Samsa

This feels like a word we wouldn’t even think of using in daily routine. However, the feeling that it describes is something that we’ve all felt. Well, at least once or twice. I hope. Therefore, it means “a kind of psychological exoskeleton that can protect you from pain and contain your anxieties, but always ends up cracking under pressure or hollowed out by time”.


Okay, true story. When I first saw this word, I thought it was anecdote. So, like any normal person, I skipped over it. When I sat down to write this article, I looked over it again and realized I made a huge mistake. Yeah. That’s what I do. Anyway, anecdoche means “a conversation in which everyone is talking but nobody is listening”. I’m sure most of you have probably experienced this phenomenon. No? Come to my university and you’ll be able to feel it more than once in a time span of a few hours.


Finally, this word. As an INFJ, I feel like I’ve experienced this way TOO MANY TIMES. And, maybe every introvert has in their life. Why? Well, because this word describes the feeling “of being out of place, as mal-adapted to your surroundings as a seal on a beach”. Yeah. That’s what I thought. You’ve felt it too!

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