Omair Rana considers Ramazan game shows to be “distasteful”

Omair Rana considers Ramazan game shows to be "distasteful"

Renowned Pakistani actor Omair Rana, who has been seen in a number of television dramas including Pyar Kay Sadqay and Sang-e-Mah, has expressed his concerns about what is shown during Ramadan. He specifically criticizes game shows for their promotion of values that are at odds with the spirit of the month.

Speaking about Ramazan game shows, Omair said, “I do have a distasteful aftertaste of the game shows or certain things about the game shows that have happened in Ramazan,” during an interview on a YouTube chat program.

He went on to explain the specifics of the text, saying, “I believe we have pushed a little anti-Ramazan vibe in them. I used to feel guilty if I didn’t do this. that humility and empathy should be addressed instead of promoting gluttony and materialism.

The actor emphasized that this type of material should have some connection to the month of Ramadan. He is scheduled to appear on the small screen in his debut Ramazan play, Chand Nagar. “It doesn’t take away from the comedy in the [drama] because humor has become a genre here, and I’m happy that we can do good comedy, but there has to be a subliminal and contextual Ramazan element somewhere.”

After spending a long time in theater, Omair entered television and has since shared his opinions on narrative. We have respect for our profession, literature, and adab due of our extensive path to become performers. Therefore, when we receive a job that isn’t well-written or thoroughly researched, we feel as though they’re demeaning literature itself.” In an interview with presenter and actor Ahsan Khan from 2022, the actor recognized the insight he had gained from his theater training.

It has also occasionally happened that once I committed to a program, the character developed differently from what was stated. Then, Omair revealed, “all I can think of is where did I get myself stuck.” “Yet thus far, my directors and crew have been able to make the necessary arrangements and adjustments.”

He listed three items that belong in the characters. “The goals, motivations, and contributions a character makes to the program.”