Fake Doctor Caught Again at Karachi Hospital

According to details, a man named Abdullah, who is said to be a bakery worker, was doing rounds in the Civil Hospital’s Trauma Centre wearing a doctor’s gown.

The security guard got suspicious of his get-up and upon verification, he was found fake and handed over to the police.

The fake doctor told the police that he had been dreaming of becoming a medical practitioner since childhood but could not make it through as far as his educational qualifications were concerned.

So, he put on the doctor’s gown and reached the hospital to treat patients. But, his college boy looks and fancy hairstyle exposed him to the guards who handed him over to the cops present at the picket set up at the Civil Hospital.

The police said the same guy was also apprehended by the hospital administration, three months earlier and later was released on a warning.

In 2018, police arrested a fake lady doctor from Karachi’s Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC).

Karachi Women’s Police SHO Syeda Ghazala said the suspect had been working at JPMC’s gynaecology ward for the past one year.