FIA issues list of 1,210 most wanted terrorists

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has issued a list of over 1,200 people most wanted in terrorism cases. The list includes names of former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf, former prime minister Shaukat Aziz, MQM founder Altaf Hussain and PML-N worker Nasir Butt.

List Issued by FIA

The list – issued by the FIA anti-terrorism wing – is part of a 198-page report and includes a total of 1,210 names.

Initially, the report said 737 alleged terrorists wanted by the law enforcement agencies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P). One hundred (100) such people wanted in Sindh; 122 in Punjab; 161 in Balochistan; 32 in Islamabad and 30 in Gilgit Baltistan.

Interestingly, the list of alleged terrorists also includes the name of PML-N worker Nasir Butt. He was in a series of videos with a former accountability court judge Arshad Malik.

The videos unveiled by the PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz to prove that her father, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, convicted in the Al-Azizia case by pressuring the judge. According to the report, the FIA later lodged an FIR against Nasir on the complaint of judge Malik by including terror charges.

Eventually, MQM founder Altaf Hussain booked under terror charges in the FIR lodged after the assassination of MQM leader Dr. Imran Farooq and for delivering an anti-state speech in August 2016. MQM leader Muhammad Anwar also included in the list.

Pervez Musharraf

Former president General Pervez Musharraf wanted in a judges’ detention case and figures in the list.

General retired Pervez Musharraf (born 11 August 1943) is a Pakistani politician. He is a retired four-star general who became the tenth president of Pakistan. Athe successful military takeover of the federal government in 1999. He held the presidency from 2001 until 2008. When he tendered his resignation to avoid impeachment.

In 2019, Musharraf was sentenced to death in absentia for the treason charges. Although, the death sentence was later annulled by the Lahore High Court.