Gifted Kids? Check to see if you’ve got what it takes!!


What does it mean to be “gifted”? Well, if you’re like most people, you probably think it’s about having an exceptionally high IQ or being a child prodigy at something. SO DID I! And while it’s certainly true that people who fall under these categories can be considered as gifted, it’s also time we realize that there are actually many different types that often go overlooked and undervalued.

So if you’re a gifted person and want to know which one you are, here are the 6 different types:

1. The Successful Type

These are the most commonly recognized type of gifted individuals. Type 1s are those we’ve typically come to associate with “gifted” because of their impressive academic performance and prestigious achievements. Think, “12-year-old graduates from Harvard, top of their class” or “brilliant student becomes youngest ever to win robotics award.” Yeah. We’ve all awed over them!! Most Type 1’s become even more driven to excel because of the high expectations placed upon them at a young age by their parents, teachers, and peers. Therefore, making them eager for approval from others.

However, some Type 1s eventually become bored with school and lose their passion for learning. Why? Because they start feeling like their ability has become their entire identity. This is because many parents and teachers make the mistake of focusing too much on developing their intelligence, talents, and skills that it stunts the Type 1’s personal, social, and emotional growth. Later, this makes them competent but unimaginative and ill-adjusted adults. BAD IDEA!

2. The Challenging Type

>Next, we have the second type of giftedness known as “the challenging type.” Type 2s are labelled as such because they are often unafraid of challenging others and questioning authority. Sounds like my kind of gifted! Highly creative, tenacious, and unconventional, Type 2s think so outside the box that it sometimes makes them difficult to get along with because of how disruptive and non conforming they can be. Uh huh. Stubborn. I see it now! Often receiving little to no recognition for their giftedness, many Type 2s feel frustrated with the school setting because it stifles their creativity, overlooks their abilities, and keeps them from realizing their full potential. This is why a lot of Type 2s tend to develop delinquent behaviors or eventually drop out of school. Especially if they don’t have a support system and other positive influences in their life.

3. The Underground Type

Type 3s, also called “the underground types”, are gifted individuals who often want or try to hide their giftedness from others. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT??? Well, either because they want to feel more included in a non-gifted peer group, feel too much pressure to excel, or dislike the intense scrutiny and attention that giftedness often brings with it. Those who don’t manifest their giftedness until late childhood or early adolescence tend to fall into this category. AGAIN… WHYYYYY? It’s most likely because that is the age when the desire for belonging and social approval typically starts to intensify. Thus, they end up denying their full capabilities and often feel insecure and anxious as a result. To remedy this, Type 3s need a lot of encouragement and understanding.

4. The Dropout Type

Yeah. The BILL GATES TYPE! Type 4s have earned a reputation for being labelled as such because they often struggle with feelings of anger, frustration, and depression as a result of their giftedness being overlooked. Similar to Type 2s, Type 4s struggle with their self-esteem because they feel rejected and unappreciated by others, not receiving the support and affirmation they need simply because their interests, skills, and talents do not align with the typical school curriculum. They are also known as the “drop out type” not necessarily because all Type 4s eventually drop out of school, but because they become mentally and emotionally invested in it.

5. The Double-Labelled Type

The fifth type of giftedness is the “double-labelled type,” which refers to gifted individuals who also have a physical or emotional handicap of some sort. Most have learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and so on, which makes it difficult for school systems and programs to identify them as gifted. Their handicap may also make it more difficult for them to complete their work on time or fulfill other structured tasks as easily as other gifted students, which makes them more easily discouraged, frustrated, and critical of themselves. Type 5s are impatient, stubborn, and sensitive to criticism. Sounds like me but it’s still not. Oh well. So, this only makes it more important that they be given the proper assistance to nurture their strengths and talents.

6. The Autonomous Type

Last but certainly not the least, we have the “autonomous type”. This refers to those gifted individuals who are independent, conscientious, and self-reliant. Similar to Type 1s, Type 6s often find success and recognition because they have learned how to excel in the school setting and find ways to make the system work for them. Also, they always looking for new opportunities for themselves.

Furthermore, they are resourceful, goal-oriented, natural born leaders and well-respected. And unlike most other types, 6s know they’re gifted but aren’t preoccupied with impressing other people. They don’t really care about gaining their approval or fitting in with their classmates because they have such a strong sense of personal power.

Wow. I wish I was gifted! Unfortunately, I’m a simple and normal person.

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